Hell's Angel

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York is driving down the freeway avoiding cars with Maine in the passenger side, Carolina on the turret, and Zone still flying alongside the vehicle. 

"Team B report. Team B!" Carolina says on her comms. 

"Team B is down! We have wounded, and are taking fire." North says while sniper shots are heard in the background." 

"We'll be right there!" 

"Negative, get the package. Get it out of the city." North orders. 

"Roger that." 

"Reading Team B's tracker... okay, there he is I got him." York then puts in the coordinates to the Warthog's GPS. 

"We'll cut 'em off at that overpass, go, go! Zone, we'll handle this. You head to Team Beta's location and get them out of there!" Zone nods and then teleports. He then reappears and sees North, Florida, CT, and Wyoming ducked behind a destroyed Warthog as police officers were shooting at them. Still using his rocket boots, he shoots down in-between the crossfire and does a superhero landing. 

"Zone, get out of there!" North warns. Zone then brings out his forearm shields and blocks the bullets. He walks towards them, still deflecting bullets and reaches the officers, uppercutting two and sending them into their cars. One tries to strike him but he catches the fist and throws the officer into another. The last officer shakily tried to fire his magnum but Zone smacked it out of his hand and kicked him to the ground before pinning him and knocking him out with his knee. Zone turns back to Team B and runs towards them, checking on Wyoming. 

"He took two, one to the chest and one to the abdomen." CT says mending his wounds. Team B's  Pelican then arrives, Zone and North both grab Wyoming's arms and bring them over their shoulders, dragging him into the Pelican. They set him down and CT continues to tend to him while Florida heads to the cockpit. Suddenly an explosion is heard and Zone and North both look in the direction it came from. 

"Sounds like Team A needs assistance. You better give 'em a hand ASAP." North suggests. Zone was about to leave when North grabs his arm. Zone looks back at the violet and green Freelancer. "Zone...thanks." Zone nods before activating his rocket boots and jettisoning away. As Zone flies down the highway he then sees Team A's Warthog under fire from oncoming Hornets. He sees three ODSTs then launch of the Hornets towards Team A's Warthog. 

~Duty calls.~ Zone thought. He jettisons towards the ODST's Hornets and lands on top of one, shattering the cockpit and killing the pilot with his sword. He then launches himself off and engages the ODSTs. A Sniper ODST speeds ahead and takes aim on a truck in front of Team A while two other Insurrectionists, one muscular and sleeveless and another with a pink heart on her chest plate, fire on the Warthog. 

"Maine! Protect the briefcase!" Carolina says getting in a fighting stance. Maine notices a sniper laser pointing at Carolina's spine and looks behind him. The sniper fires a shot at Carolina, but Maine intercepts the shot, causing it to hit his chest and render him unconscious.

"Maine? Sniper!" A sniper bullet whizzes past Carolina's head, impacting into the turret. Zone shoots past towards the Sniper, who saw Zone coming and shot two more rounds of only for Zone to disappear. The Sniper lowered his rifle shocked as to what just happened. He then feels a tap on his shoulder and turns around to see and feel a fist collide with his visor. He then shakes it off to see Zone in his fighting stance. The Sniper throws a back kick and Zone jumps over him, grabs the sniper rifle off the ODST's back, and gripping it by the barrel, swings it at the Sniper like a bat sending him skyward. 

Tex is then seen on a motorcycle racing towards the group with a rocket launcher. She jumps off a ramp, fires her rocket at the Hornet and throws the rocket launcher away. She then brings out her SMG, and fires at some Insurrectionists on Mongooses.

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