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I find the sky very fascinating. It reminds me of how beautiful some things are, but how they are just unreachable; untouchable.

Yoongi and Namjoon looked at each other and at the male who owned the house; Jin sleeping. They found everything he said pretty suspicious. No one can just help someone without wanting something in return. They were afraid and didn't want to know the real reason of so much kindness from the male.

"I want to do it. I trust him." Jimin said. Of course, he trusted him. He told him his real name for goodness sake. Yoongi shook his head, he was still thinking about it. They all were unemployed, and working a real job wouldn't harm them one bit. How long were they gonna survive by stealing? They were bound to be caught sometime or the other.

"I don't know; I still haven't figured out what he actually wants from us. I mean he just said that we will go to Busan with him. What exactly would we do in Busan? Because if he thinks we will kill someone then he is wrong." Namjoon said in a very bitter tone.

"Calm down there, why do you think he'll want us to kill someone? Does he look like that kind of person to you? I just think he has too much money and he just wants to spend some." Hoseok said while smiling at Jin's sleeping form that was cuddled to Jungkook who was also asleep. How the idiot could sleep so calmly in such a circumstance was lost to Yoongi; although he did think it had something to do with the man in his arms.

Yoongi was almost jealous, but he realized that rather then thinking about how angelic this Jin was, he should be thinking if he should take up the offer. Yoongi was pretty intrigued by the pretty man.

Taehyung suddenly giggled during the quiet atmosphere. He was too busy with Jin's phone to take part in their conversation. Hoseok scooted closer to Taehyung to see what he was so excited about, and what he saw clearly made him happy as he started giggling too.

Yoongi ducked his head to the side to get a closer look. He sighed after seeing what they were seeing, Namjoon cocked his eyebrows as to ask what they were seeing and Yoongi answered his curiosity; "They're going through his gallery, basically his selfies."

"Hey, I want to see too." Came a loud whine from Jimin and he crawled towards the giggling boys. Yoongi shook his head; looks like the decision making was left to him and Namjoon.

"I'm curious about him," Yoongi said to Namjoon in a small whisper. Namjoon cocked his head to the side, probably pretty confused as to what Yoongi meant.

"No one just helps some boys that randomly appear at their doorstep looking all ragged, homeless and injured. Not to mention looking all dangerous. We know the vibes we give out do make us seem pretty intimidating. Either this man wants something from us, or he is just as curious about us as we are about him." Yoongi chuckled while looking at the man's sleeping form,

"Or perhaps he's our fairy godfather that finally decide to show up and help us get our lives back on track..." Namjoon said jokingly and both of them burst into fits of laughter.

"In that case, he's pretty late, don't ya think?" Yoongi's comment caused another wave of laughter to pass between the two boys.

"But really, I don't think we have anything to lose. We are all a lot stronger than him and can take him down in seconds. To think he thought that we might think he is a serial killer or a kidnapper amuses me. He could probably not even harm a fly. He should really work on his body."

"Nah hyung, I think his body is perfect the way it is. Pretty, Right curves, leaning towards the skinny side, although he should eat more. He looks like he is starved. His eyes are pretty too; and his lips..." Namjoon trailed off while staring at the man sleeping with Jungkook, Yoongi was also mesmerized by him. And seemingly all of the boys were just as enchanted by him as Yoongi was.

Yoongi realized that this was the chance of life; a chance to change their lives, chance to become someone with a better life, chance to have a home, chance to have a somebody. Yoongi made his decision; and by one look at Namjoon, he knew he made his decision too.

Yoongi took Jin's mobile phone from Taehyung's hands and clicked the message app.

"I'm gonna send the message. Is everyone agreed on this decision?"

Namjoon took a deep breath and nodded reluctantly, Jimin nodded enthusiastically while both Taehyung and Hoseok actually said aloud 'yeah'.

Yoongi opened the contact that had the name of The boring lawyer (shit, another meeting?) Yoongi was amused. Jin was not only pretty but was cute too. Who else saves names like this? He smiled and saw that the last message sent by that lawyer said:

I need names for the contract. So, Names?
Seen at 4:21 a.m.✓

Yoongi breathed in and sent their names.

Min Yoongi
Jung Hoseok
Kim Namjoon
Park Jimin
Kim Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook

Six boys and you. Right?


I'll bring by the contract at six in the evening. Are you gonna be in Seoul till then? Or should I fax it to Busan?

Yoongi thought back to what Jin had said and remembered he said they would go shopping in the evening. And he mentioned going to Busan the next day, so he figured he should be bringing it to him.

I'm gonna be in Seoul.
Bring it here.

Will do. I wish you luck.
The boys' background makes them look like trouble.

Yoongi was angry. Who was this man to judge him and his mates just because of their background? He couldn't control his nerves and just wanted to go out there and probably give him some good punches.

Fuck you

Yoongi was famous for his impulsive decisions. And cursing at the lawyer that was gonna change their life was a bad move; but it's Yoongi, so no regrets.

Yoongi waited till the seen came and then throw the phone on to the couch behind him. No more conversation with that man or woman or whatever that person is.

Yoongi took a deep breath and shut off the lights. All conversation died down and everyone scrambled to sleep. How Jin and Jungkook still slept in so much noise was above him, but he knew him and the others won't be getting an ounce of sleep.

Too many nerves surrounded them, each dreaming about their new life that the morrow would bring, each dreading their past, each hoping that this new start would be a little less violent then what they experienced all their life. In the end, each believing that this man, Jin, would show them the right way; as they were all pretty lost.

Lost Boys - Jin × BTSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang