Eve has had enough of his words and pulls her gun out on him and takes the safety off. Zachary stops tugging at her arm and holds his arms up in surrender although he knows that she can't see it.

"Open the fucking door, Zachary." Eve manages to hiss that out in the most intimidating way he's ever heard. He quickly unlocks the door and opens it.

"What is it? I'm busy." The bastard says not even looking at the door to see who is there.

"You need to let him go now, you bastard," Eve sneers.

This gets his attention, "Oh, look the blind whore comes to her fuckers rescue." The Italian mocks her. 

"What are you going to do to me, if I don't? Cry?" The man insolently turns back to beating the man before him.

Eve sends off a shot and hits his arm, although it would have hit his chest if his arm hadn't covered that area just in time. "What the fuck?"

He looks at his arm and then to Zachary in shock and rage. "Why the hell did you shoot me, prick?" He demands of Zachary.

Zachary snorts, "It wasn't me, that was all Eve. She doesn't like you hitting her boyfriend. You might want to let him go now. She might not miss her next shot."

"How the fuck did the blind girl get a gun?" The man says in disbelief making no move to unbind Dave.

"Dave gave it to me and he taught me how to use it too." Eve says deciding to no longer stay silent.

"Oh, and I took Zachary's gun from him when he decided to have some fun with me." Eve decided to let the man know that Zachary wouldn't be any help. "Now it's time for you to divest yourself from your weapons as well."

"Wow such big words from a whore. I had no idea you could say such words." The Italian is doing his best to make Eve irate but it isn't working on her. It is however, working on Dave.

"Shut your fucking mouth, pig. Eve is damn intelligent and has already started college courses."

"Yep, finished my freshman year, I'm now a sophomore." Eve tells him, but she never fully takes her attention off the man that's been her nightmare for the better part of her life.

"Now, takes those bonds off Dave. Slowly, or you might find an extra hole in your body." The man does as he's instructed but scoffs as he does so.

"Don't kill him, Eve. We'll take him back with us." Dave manages to get out. It's been a long time since he's hurt this bad.

"Sorry, Dave, this time I'm going to have to do things my way. We really can't take him with us, he's too much of a danger." Eve says coldly and fires a shot. The Italian is looking at her in shock before falling to the ground.

"What happened?" Dave demands to know, his eyes are swollen shut from the abuse he's taken.

It's Zachary that answers him. It takes him a minute to be able to speak though. "She shot him."

"Okay, you should check to see if he's still alive." Dave manages to wheeze out.

"No chance of that, there's a large new hole in his head just behind his ear."

Silence greets Zachary's words.

Sounds of fighting come to Eve. "The cavalry is here gentlemen."

"Now, please, Eve," Zachary pleads with her.

"I can't, I need your help getting him out of here." Eve says apologetically.

Zachary nods and walks over to the man he betrayed and does his best to help him stand up. "Let's get you to your men. You need medical help."

Eve also walks forward and rifles through the dead man's pockets. She finds what she's looking for.

"Eve? Where are you, Eve?" Dave demands getting worried.

"I'm here, Dave. This bastard just stole something from me and I wanted it back." Eve says slipping the ring back onto her finger. She stands up and helps Dave stand up.

"Help him, Zachary and I'll make it as painless as possible." Eve's voice is cold and hard.

"I understand," Zachary replies and takes the majority of Dave's weight.

"Eve? What the hell are you talking about?" Dave demands swaying back and forth.

"He's going to help me take you to our friends and then I'll give him a rather painless death." Eve replies. "Now hush, I need to hear."

Dave bites back what he wants to say because she can tell if the people coming are friends or enemies. What he doesn't expect is for Zachary to take him forward.

"What the hell? Where are you going Eve, Zachary?" Dave demands.

"I'm trying to get us to our friends if you would shut the fuck up!"Eve hisses angrily at Dave.

That shuts Dave up quickly but Eve can feel the anger radiating off him and just wants to hurry this up. She is still angry with him for leaving without even saying goodbye in the first place.

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