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I got drunk at Bianca’ party. Period.

Mom said a guy called her so she picked me up. I didn’t know she would do that (she’s so cool!).  But that same morning, I got a one and a half lecture of my party do’s and don’ts. Great.

I swore I’ll never get drunk again. I will go against Terrence and his gang just in case they’ll force me to drink again (easier said than done). I hate that I always have to follow him/them. Being inside the queen bee’s territory, what can I do?

“Anyone can hold the camera but not everyone can take a perfect shot, especially action shots. The same goes for writers, everyone can write but not everyone can pass the standards.” Terrence words interrupted my thoughts. Is he lecturing me or what?

I rolled my eyes before I become lured to his beauty again. I love doing it in front of him, being the Associate(hah!)-Editor-In-Chief gives you the privilege to roll your eyes at Terrence Cabangon, my monster. 

But he isn’t mine. He’ll never be mine. I almost forgot we are discussing second issue strategies. I looked down at my planner, the page was filled with scribbles. Maybe, I unconsciously made them while being in deep thought a while ago. Ugh, the doodles are better than my handwriting.

“Hey, how are you and Lisa?” I asked. He looked at me as if I’m being insane. Changing topics while talking about editorial work seem normal for both of us, or maybe just for me.

“We’re good. Why do you ask?”

“Nothing, she’s my friend and I care for her. I need to make sure that you really care about her.”

Terrence swallowed, he suddenly looked uncomfortable.

“You okay?” I asked.

I am back to the real world. My hearts is on its weird rhythm again.

“Not really. Actually, I’m planning to break up with her.”

I looked at him in disbelief.

“Why would you do that?”

“Magnayon, you should know that girls who date me get hurt… And I don’t want your friend get hurt.”

“But Lisa’s okay with the Luna East community. No fan girl throws dagger looks at her. They love her.”

“But I don’t,”

“What?!” I asked again.


“You’re a freaking deaf associate,” he spat.

“I got a strategy for second issue,” I said, changing the subject. I think I’m not the girl to talk for his love life.

“Go ahead.” 

I explained my plan about training the young writers. He doesn’t look interested but I just went on. After my explicit explanation, he stood up and left the room without a word. Great.

He texted me fifteen minutes later that he’s been called by The Parliament, Luna East’s Debate Society. He’s always like that during TWP working hours. Almost all clubs in Luna East want him because he can do almost everything. He’s a monster, what do I expect?

When Terrence went back, the unnecessary vest of our uniform is hanging on his shoulder. His hair is a bit ruffled and he looked tired. I wanted to ask what happened but not going there.

“I am troubled… I need a topic for the editorial,” he said, running his hand through his hair. Oh how he looks sexy that way. I looked around, searching for something else to stare at that’s not his face.

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