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Michael has texted me for two straight weeks now.  I am entering class smiling like an idiot. Add The Wolf’s Pen issue that’s going to be delivered soon, how can’t I be happy?

“Someone’s getting her phone overused,”

I looked at the door and there’s Lisa, grinning teasingly at me.

“Who’s the lucky guy?” she asked.

I smiled back at her. “Not so handsome, but cool and nice… theater guy.”

“Wow, some guy he is to make you smile like that. Your dimples are showing,”

 I just smiled back.

“I’m happy for you, Macy but,” Lisa stared at me and to where I was standing.

“Oh! Sorry,” I didn’t know I was blocking the door so I made way for her. Esther’s on her chair being engrossed on a book. Esther and I love reading books; only we’re not on the same genre. I never liked mystery/thriller, she never liked romance that I dig for.

“Ohhh, monster incoming.” I heard one of my classmates say. I looked at the hallway where Terrence and his gang are walking. I think they are coming to our room. I stayed where I am, in front of our classroom’s door.

I swallowed. I suddenly felt nervous. Why do Terrence and his gang walk around like they are the F4 of Luna East? The social hierarchy in this school is really weird, not to mention the uniform. We wear a red vest on top of our school uniform like we’re not on a tropical country. But like any other student, I just go with it.

Lisa was out the door. Of course, Terrence will come to her girl but he doesn’t need to do it every day with his gang. In that instant, every eye on the hallway is on them. I know that being Terrence’s girl made Lisa untouchable. Terrence was all smiles when Lisa practically thrown herself to him.

“Isn’t that PDA?”

I think I heard Michael’s voice and he’s there, standing in front of me while staring at the scene the elite are making.

“Hi!” I greeted too excitedly.

“Hey,” he smiled back. I avoided his eyes because I think I am going to melt.

I took some side glances and I am grinning like an idiot. Gosh, I am feeling giddy. Who said I can’t be a girl?

“Nice isn’t it?”

I looked at where the voice came from.

Nice one, really.

“Terrence,” I acknowledged. He’s looking at Michael.

“So some senior guy is dropping by this room early in the morning?” Terrence looked at me, his smirk is something.

“Uhmmmmm,” Lisa spoke. Lisa’s looking at me, at Michael and back to Terrence.  

“Get in, babe.” Terrence kissed Lisa’s head before letting her in the room. She stood beside me.

“I’d really appreciate it if you step aside,” Terrence still eyed Michael.

I think I saw Michael looking worried. Is he? He should be.

“There’s a lot of space here, dude.” Michael answered cool gesturing the hallway. I stared at him. What he’s doing is suicide. I can see Terrence and his gang exchange looks.

I grabbed Michael’s arm to step away but he’s persistent. He even walked towards Terrence.

“Excuse me, dude.” he said in front Terrence’s face. Some nerve he had.

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