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“Why do I feel unwelcome in my office?” Terrence started to ask Macy. He doesn’t know if Macy is mad or what, all he knows is that he wanted to talk to her just to know if she’s okay.

“You’re the one unwelcoming yourself.” was Macy’s different reply. Terrence knew the things are affecting Macy. Of course they are affecting her. He just kicked the guy that Macy almost kissed.

“Mace I…”

He meant to say sorry but Macy’s stern look took him aback. He can’t be vulnerable in front of her. Not right now, not when someone threatened competition. Terrence inhaled. Now his heart flutters.

“I’m here to help with the distribution. Take my help while you can.”

Macy rolled her eyes. “Like I will need it,”

“Come on. You need it.”

“Fine, what will you do to distribute these thousand magazines?”

Terrence swallowed. He himself has never thought of a distribution strategy. They are silent for the next hour.

“Really? I am just sitting here with you doing nothing?” Terrence asked sounding annoyed.

“Really? You’re doing nothing? Because I am thinking of ways and the side-effects.”

“Side effects?”

“Yeah, side effects. I am thinking of something effective… Something that will give us the dignity,”

“Take a break, Macy. I’ll take care of the distribution.” he offered.

“Really?” There is sudden joy in her voice.

“Of course.”

“Thank you, Terrence!” Macy just enveloped him in a hug. Terrence’s body froze.

“Oh, sorry. I just,” Macy pulled away, feeling ashamed of what she did.

“I know,” he muttered, fixing himself. Macy stood up and grabbed her bag. No, no, don’t leave!

“Uhhhhhmm, Terrence.”

He raised his eyebrow.

“Can I talk to you? Please. As Macy, not your associate.”

Terrence just looked at her. “Kay,”

“Terrence, I know you’re a god here but please, don’t pick on Michael.”

“Why would I pick on him?”

The thought made Terrence want to laugh. He never intended to and Macy was thinking he will.

“Because you’re blowing off my potential love life.”

“Your what?” Terrence is now laughing.

“You heard it. Please, just leave him alone. Please. Vent it out on me.”

Terrence blinked like he didn’t hear clearly. He will never vent out on Macy. Why does she think he can?

He was smiling again, flashing his mean smile. Everything was a front, because deep inside he’s being confused.

“I think I’ll have fun blowing off your love life.” he teased not in a funny way.

Macy just sighed. What else can she say? Is there something she can do?

He loved the thought. If he can’t get Macy, he’ll ruin the guy. He will make sure they won’t end up together. What a plan it is on his mind.

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