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The dinner was cheap but it was wonderful. Wonderful in a way that Terrence didn’t enjoy the food, but enjoyed the view of Macy.

It’s one of those chances he saw Macy smile, one wide smile and she looked pretty, beautiful, nice, amazing. Terrence’s mind thought of words that would describe Macy while riding the bus back home. He knew where to get down, his feet has its own direction going home while his mind kept playing the memory of Macy walking with him. He felt embarrassed that he became sweaty and haggard, but that made Macy smile so it’s basically alright.

Going home, Terrence can’t help but smile although he knew there will be no good welcome. Maybe, the smile will be permanently there whenever he remembers Macy. He had this glow, a beautiful aura when he entered home.

“Hi dad!”

His dad looked up, staring at his son who just arrived late but looks like glowing. Terrence is waiting for his dad’s lecture but it doesn’t matter. He can last his dad’s scolding, it’s a small price to pay for the dinner with Macy.

“I’m going to a friend’s place tomorrow. Would you like to come?” his dad asked. Taking off his suit and sitting down at the sofa.

“Where to?”

“Sea Residences, somewhere near MOA.”

Something snapped in him. His mind has associated Mall of Asia with Macy.

“Sure, I’d come.”

“Just behave for tomorrow, I seldom bring kids to my meetings –“

“Right, got it!” he smiled at his dad before he ran upstairs, feeling excited. Terrence didn’t know why he was smiling stupidly again. Now that Terrence knew where she lives, being in the grounds of MOA would make him catch her, easily.

Terrence was nervous. He wore jeans and a dark blue polo shirt, just perfect for being casual and formal in his age. He stood straight, manlike like how his dad taught him. His dad said it was a business meeting but Terrence does not think it is. He’s in the same elevator, the same one he was with Macy last night. Terrence tried to shove the memory away. He remembered every detail of it and wished his gasping is not included.

His knees felt weak when his dad stood by the same door, that same door where he and Macy talked before heading to dinner. His heart started to beat faster.  

When the door opened, it revealed a woman in a pink blouse and black pencil skirt. Her smile was inviting, no wonder she is Macy’s mom. Her eyes looked like Macy’s. Terrence smiled on her “Hi,”

His father said something about Mrs. Magnayon being a close friend back in High school.

Mrs. Magnayon, Macy’s mom isn’t tall as Macy but she had the Macy glow. She’s old but beautiful, Terrence thought. Her face covered in light make-up did little to hide the age. Terrence knew dad is also a bit old but he didn’t expect him to have closer ties with Macy’s mom, aside from their boss-employee relationship.

Terrence looked around, waiting for signs of Macy while Mrs. Magnayon served them biscuits and coffee in the living room. His dad and mom were talking happily, asking about each other’s lives as if they never worked in the same building in Makati.

Just when Mr. Cabangon, Terrence’s dad started to ask about her daughter, a door clicked open. A tall girl in black spaghetti strap and short gray cotton shorts walked slowly towards the kitchen. Her long hair was ruffled because she just got out of bed. She’s half-awake, more like sleepwalking and Mrs. Magnayon felt a little bit embarrassed by Macy’s entrance. But she can’t be embarrassed of her girl for being so natural.

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