Monster Hunter Society

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Hey! I just published Monster Hunter Society, a spin-off to the Myth Series! If you like this series, then why not go on ahead and check it out?

The prologues will be published on Friday, June 22nd! I hope you enjoy it!

With supernatural beings running rampant through the world, a need to control their contact with unknowing humans is a must

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With supernatural beings running rampant through the world, a need to control their contact with unknowing humans is a must. And so, the Monster Hunter Society was born.

It's been over two thousand years since it was founded, and the society has become the bane of every supernatural's existence.

Enter Mallory Thompson. She's twenty and only recently has been accepted into the society. Being an outcast is something she's not used to. Mallory is working under one of the senior officers, Thaddeus Romano, aka Joker. He's only two years older than her, but has been working for the society for over seven years.

Mallory is an anomaly, one of the few hunters who is the first of their family line. With such a dislike towards newbies, will Mallory make it in such a strange environment?

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