Chapter XIII

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Chapter XIII

"It is only those who have never fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry out loud for blood, more vengeance, more desolation. War is Hell."

-William Tecumseh Sherman

I looked around the motel room as I leaned against one of the walls. It originally wasn't in the plan for something like this to happen, but it did, thanks to our luck. I exhaled slowly. Why did things have to be so bad you guys?

"No idea Timothy." Michal said as he lounged on the couch.

Damn it. I said it out loud. Garroth glanced in my direction and noticed my white face. He nodded in recognition and turned back to the group.

Charlotte had called us all here for something, and seeing the three new people, I had a decent idea about what. I prepared to use my ability that I usually frowned upon. It was the only way to seem like one of them.

The oldest of the three newbies turned to me. His eyes searched my face. "What are you?" He asked.

I took my back off the wall as I stood up straight. "Name's Timothy, thanks for asking." I said, annoyance darkening my tone. The man's face turned red in embarrassment. "And to answer your question, I'm a werewolf."

"What pack?" Leyna asked, her brown eyes staring into my green ones. I held back a shiver. Leyna was scary in my opinion.

"None." I answered simply, shoving my hands into my pockets.

Leyna nodded, though she kept a close eye on me. Michal walked over to her. "I'm the Alpha of the local pack, and Leyna is my Beta." She nodded as she leaned into him. He put on arm around her.

I rolled my eyes. He was oblivious, seriously. She obviously had feelings for him. Though, if I knew my Werewolf lore correctly, they had mates. Garroth turned to me and elaborated what I was trying to figure out.

'Werewolves do have mates, however, it isn't how books write it. Yes, they have to be a certain age, and that age is usually eighteen, but sometimes can be sixteen, depending on the social standing and emotional strength of the Werewolf. However, Werewolves don't immediately know their mates when they see them, as many books suggest. Instead, they have to know them a bit more before feeling that connection with them once they reach a certain age. If a Werewolf is mated with another creature, then they are believed to not be able to tell who their mate is. Hence why many Werewolves tend to gain crushes on high standing Werewolves, such as Leyna. It is obvious her mate is not a Werewolf, but she doesn't know that, and her mate doesn't either. However, they are destined for one another.'

I nodded. Now, you all may be wondering how Garroth did that. Well, as said before, he is like Professor X. He's able to convey messages to others via a connection in his mind. So, what he just did there was send his thoughts to me so only he and I could hear it. It's nifty for missions and being in situations.


Garroth only nodded in response. I turned back to the conversation the others were having. Leyna and Michal had just been explaining the Alpha and Beta positions to the three others. Zoe ended up going next. "I'm a Sea Serpent."

Honestly, I hadn't been expecting that one, but it made sense. Zoe was attracted to water, so I figured she was a Water Creature, but a Sea Serpent was one me and Garroth hadn't run across yet. They didn't typically live on land, as they were less powerful when not in contact with water. Not only that, but they tended to feed off of humans. I was surprised Zoe hadn't gulped down Andrea or the others yet.

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