Chapter I

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Chapter I

"It is what I was born for- to look, to listen, to lose myself in this soft world- to instruct myself, over and over..."

-Mary Oliver

Sunday was the worst day of Andrea's life. She had probably cried off about five percent of her body weight that day.

She hugged Giselle, her best friend in the whole wide world and promised she'd call, text, and Skype whenever things got terrible. She promised Nash the same thing, and she gave him a kiss on the cheek as a good by instead of a hug. Drake told her that he'd dedicate the book he was planning on writing to her, and she smiled and kissed him in the cheek too, though he had to pick her up due to his massive size. And then lastly, Liam.

He didn't say much, but when she kissed his cheek, she heard his breath hitch. She didn't know if it was because of her or because of the fact that he was on the verge of tears.

Caleb was saying goodbye to his friends in high school and even kissed the girl he had been crushing on since seventh grade. She kissed him back and they promised to stay in touch. Perhaps her brother had gotten a long distance relationship- something Andrea wished she could have with Liam- and she hoped it would work out.

The car ride to the airport was silent and melancholy. Caleb and Andrea both agreed on the silent treatment for their parents, and they didn't push them.

Getting onto the plane was tedious. Andrea almost decided to make a break for it, but she knew she wouldn't make it far. After boarding the plane, they had a four hour flight (thanks to Southwest) that Andrea slept through. She was only awake for about twenty minutes- enough to use the bathroom and down a whole can of soda.

When they got to Seattle, they hopped on a taxi that drove them to their house. Their stuff had already arrive- thanks to having it sent out Saturday night- and they began unpacking.

By four they ordered pizza and took a break. After the quick meal, they got back to work, and within the hour, they had a livable place.

Andrea was in her room when she got a Skype request from Giselle. She happily answered it and soon Giselle's face appeared.

"Oh thank God, I've been trying to get a hold of you for like, ten hours!"

"We just finished unpacking the necessities, sorry." Andrea said.

"Is that Andrea?" Nash called.

Giselle rolled her eyes. "No, it is Chris Hemsworth!"

"Tell him I said hi!" Nash called.

Giselle sighed as Nash came up. "Hey there, Andy!"

Andrea frowned. "I'm not a boy, Nash."

"So? A guy can't give a girl a pet name?"

"Not that nickname."

Nash sighed before looking at the ceiling and stroking his chin. "I wonder what it would be then..."

Suddenly, Drake and Liam appeared. "Hey! How's it going so far?" Drake asked as he pulled out his journal and started writing something.

"It is going alright." Andrea said, sighing.

Liam frowned. Was that concern in his eyes? No matter what it was, it made Andrea's cheeks flush a bright pink. She looked out the window of her second story bedroom and saw a group of teenagers- probably delinquents- walking down the street.

Once of them looked up at her window, in which she immediately got up and snapped her blinds closed. When she got back to her computer, they were all staring at her. "Why'd you do that?" Nash asked, popping a piece of popcorn into his mouth.

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