Towards the Avenue of..? (1)

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When Sang Mina opened the door of the classroom, she saw that the chatter in the room is louder and more... lively.

Usually, her classmates were more subdued and most of them talked in hushed tones with their friends and seatmates but today, it was like everybody is talking to each other.

Sang Mina scanned the room and saw new faces in the class. They must be the students who have transferred to their class and the reason for the new atmosphere in the room, she concluded.

Only a week had passed since the new semester. Transferring to, adding, and cancelling classes are still allowed.

Nobody noticed when the door was opened but when Sang Mina walked in, a few students glanced in her direction. A young woman with wavy chest length hair, wearing a flower printed halter top and jeans shorts waved at Sang Mina.

"Sang Mina, you're here! Great! Do you know who transferred to our class today?" Sang Mina's gossipy seatmate, Chen Young Mi, could not contain her excitement and decided to share some of it to her beautiful but quiet seatmate.

Without waiting for Sang Mina's reply, Chen Young Mi continued to talk. "Look at the second to the last row. Guess who our new classmate is? None other than. The. Han Zekai!" Chen Young Mi gushed, her hands fanning her face.

When Sang Mina turned her head to look at the newcomers, she met Han Zekai's eyes across the room. He nodded at her before turning back to the lady who was talking to him.

"Isn't he very cool?" Sang Mina's focus returned to Chen Young Mi's gushing. "I very much like to know what kind of girl he likes? The petite-cute combo? Tall-cool beauty type?" Dreamily sighing, Chen Young Mi turned to Sang Mina. "What do you think?"

Sang Mina stopped for a bit, her brows furrowing as she pondered seriously. After reaching a conclusion, she then answered, "Someone like you?"

"W-what?! H-How could he possibly-"

Sang Mina observed Chen Young Mi's cheeks turning pink. The way her seatmate's cheeks rapidly changed colors was very fascinating for Sang Mina.

"D-do you really think so?" The shy young woman asked. Sang Mina could almost see sparkles in Chen Young Mi's eyes.

"Yes." Sang Mina nodded seriously. "Beautiful, sociable, fashionable, and very lady-like. I think that's the kind of girl he likes."

Hearing her seatmate's answer, Chen Young Mi's face turned even redder than before.

"But this is just an opinion of mine. It's not guaranteed. So you don't have..." Looking at her conversation partner, Sang Mina realized that Chen Young Mi is already in her own bubble so she let her words trail off. What's the use of talking when the supposed recipient of her words is already busy with other things, Sang Mina thought.

As if on cue, just after their conversation, their professor arrived and the idle chatter inside the room stopped, signalling the start of the class.


"Excuse me, excuse me!" A hurried voice shouted from behind. Sang Mina thought that it is pretty useless to shout. No one would care even if one is in a hurry because all of them are rushing to get out.

One of the perks of sitting near the door is that whenever the class ends, Sang Mina was able to rush to the door first, avoiding the onslaught of people crowding the door trying to get out of the classroom.

Sang Mina looked at her wristwatch. 10:32 AM. She still has less than four hours before her next and last class for today which is at two thirty in the afternoon.

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