Werewolves. Just why?

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Chimichan here, this was taken straight off the 'random stuff' story on my account(with some editing). You don't have to, but I'd appreciate if you read it.

Anyway, I'm sure a majority of you have at least seen the title of one of these werewolf stories. There are two key words in the title people use to convince people to read it.

Alpha and Mate.

First of all, werewolves are just people that turn every full moon. I'm more certain they'd think of themselves as freaks rather running in a pack and gloating. If I turned into an animal every full moon, I would be freaking the fuck out. I would isolate myself from society and be known as that crazy lady that had a mental breakdown and started living in the woods--

Back to the point...

A Werewolf is a curse, like Vampirism. Not a species.

Second of all, I'd like to restate that THEY ARE PEOPLE. People don't have mates, and werewolves shouldn't either. A Wolf should, but not a person who turns fluffy every now and then. Werewolves have girlfriends and wives just like people have girlfriends and wives.

Unless it's a Werewolf only world. It would actually make some sense then. But in a human dominated world? If Werewolves went around telling people they were werewolves, they'd either get tossed in a loony bin or executed prison style

Just think about this for a moment. I'm not trying to bash on werewolf stories, those are just some little things I don't get. Someone please explain why werewolves are being written like animals when they are only animals on the full moon.


So, I love legends and myths of werewolfs. What I can't stand? Is the crappy stories on wattpad. Given there are some, very few, good ones out there probably. Stories with original plots. But this is 95% of them.

I have to be his mate.

He impressed me by showing his macho-ness or whatever.


The end.

And who can forget the amazing sequal

He didn't wear a condom


Oh well.



I don't love him but I am his mate.

I hide in another tribe

He finds me.


A)He impresses me with macho-ness

B) Saved by other pack.

Then of course


Seriously. I'm not even kidding.

And as I mentioned earlier, I like werewolfs. Which are:

A person who changes for periods of time into a wolf, typically when there is a full moon. (Google definition)

But this is wattpad.com's definition

A person who travels in a pack and picks random chicks to abuse and have sex with.

I don't have too much to say about this.... Bye.


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