"Your parents aren't supposed to know, remember." I shove Aria before her parents could see her staring. She gives me a thankful look and clears her throat.

"Sorry, I can't help it." She looks down with a blush.

"Believe me, I know." I look over at Alison to see her already staring at me. I give her a small smile to let her know that we are okay. She gives me one back before turning her attention to my dad.

"Come on you guys!" Hanna yells already in the water. Aria laughs before slipping her clothes off, revealing her purple two-piece swimsuit.

"I'll meet you out there." I nod my head to Aria who starts running toward Hanna with a big smile on her face.

I look over at Alison to see her laughing while my dad has his arm around her waist. She's either really good at pretending or she's actually enjoying being in his arms.

I roll my eyes. Time to have some fun. I need to stop thinking about Alison for one second. I slip my shorts and tank top off, revealing my baby blue bikini top and bottom. 

I can already feel Alison staring me down without even looking to see if she is. I slightly grin and walk up to the water where Aria and Hanna are currently splashing each other. 

Gracefully and without ease, I swim to where they are. 

"Alison stared you down until you swam into the water." Hanna laughs while Aria nods her head.

"Good." I smirk. 

"You wanted her to look, didn't you!" Hanna splashes me with water, making me laugh.

"You can't tell me, you didn't want Aria to look at you while undressing." I shoot back to which Aria glares.

"I'm right here, you know." Aria splashes water on to me. "But, yes, I was staring. Emily had to shove me before my parents caught me staring at you like you were some piece of meat." Hanna laughs at this. 

"Good to know I have that kind of effect on you, babe." Hanna reaches over and holds Aria's hand. I doubt our parents can see this far out. 

"You two are so adorable." I smile at my two best friends. They are perfect for each other. 

"I know." Hanna grins and winks at Aria. The brunette blushes and looks away.

"Wait, is that who I think it is?" Aria hits me on the arm and nods her head. I look at where she is nodding to and my jaw nearly drops to the ground. "Why is Paige here?" 

"She probably followed Emily here." Hanna shoots daggers at Paige.

"Come on you guys. I doubt she followed me here." I give them the are-you-crazy-look.

"I wouldn't put it past her." Hanna shakes her head and rolls her eyes. "The girl is a freak, Em."

"I'm going to go say hey." Hanna grabs me by the arm.

"Did you not just hear me?"

"Yeah, I did. But you know what, it's my decision Hanna. Not yours. And it's not Aria's either." I give them both a disappointed look before heading out of the water.

Alison's POV

As Aria's and Hanna's parents communicate with Wayne, I couldn't stop my eyes from looking for Emily out in the water. I have been fighting myself from staring at her but I can't control it anymore. I need to see her. 

My eyes scan for her only to see she isn't in the water anymore. My eyebrows furrow. All I see is Hanna and Aria on their beach towels about ten feet away from where we are all sitting. Emily isn't with them. 

I want to go ask them where she is but then their parents would question me about it and I can't have that. I just need to look for her on my own. 

"Um, I'm going to go the restroom," I tell Wayne who nods and smiles. I excuse myself from the group chat and start to walk toward the restroom, while my eyes search the entire beach.

It wasn't hard to spot her in her blue bikini and tanned skin. I go to smile because I can finally talk to her but stop dead in my tracks when I see a girl is with her. And that girl looks a little too comfortable around Emily. 

Why are they alone? Why can't they hang out where Hanna and Aria are? 

I want to go over there and scold the girl for being so close to my girl but stop myself. I can't cause a scene and she will be wondering why a twenty-six-year-old is interrupting them.

I trust Emily.

The girl, not so much.

I sigh.

I can't do anything about it. 

So I just stand there and watch. I know it's sort of spying but I don't care. The girl says something that makes Emily smile. The kind of smile that Emily smiles at me when I say something stupid. 

Jealousy overcomes me, making me livid. I shouldn't act like this but come on! She's clearly flirting back with the girl. She said I could trust her, but I'm not so sure anymore. 

I need to get closer so I can tell what they are saying. I walk quickly and quietly before hiding behind a bush near the bathroom. I can hear the girl.

"You look great in that bikini." Is she asking to die? I will end her life.

"Um, thanks." Emily looks uncomfortable now which makes me internally smile. At least it's bothering her and not boosting her ego.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." The girl looks down at the ground, pretending to be ashamed of what she just said. I roll my eyes. 

"It's fine." Emily gives her a small smile. "Listen, Paige." Wait so this is Paige? The girl she wanted to hang out with? And she told me I had nothing to worry about! The bitch is hitting on Emily! "I'm tal-" Paige leans in and kisses Emily out of nowhere making my jaw drop.

At first, I'm livid that Paige kissed my sweet Em, but hurt overcomes that when I see Emily kissing her back.

A tear falls down my cheek before I turn around and run away.

I just had to update again because all of you inspire me to do so! So thank you so much! I love you all! I hope you enjoy this chapter:)

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