Alexanders sighed, looks like convincing his siblings would be harder than thought.


At 12: 15 pm Germany finally came downstairs. He tiredly made his way to the kitchen and just sat at the table. Germany started to stare into space.

Damn, he had absolutely no energy.

"Oh, Germany. You're finally down, is there anything you would like?" Canada, who walked into the kitchen, asked. 

Germany didn't answer. He didn't even hear Canada, he just kept staring at the wall. 

Canada started to look worried. "Germany?" 

He looked so out of it, and so tired, and so so sad.

Canada walked towards him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Germany, are you okay?" Dumb question but it was the only thing he could say right now.

Said nation jumped and looked at Canada with eyes of fear.

Wait, what? 


"Germany, it's me. Canada, I'm not gonna hurt you."

Germany immediately calmed down and looked down, "I'm-I'm sorry about that, I don't know what came over me."

"Don't worry, it's okay... What were you thinking  about, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Well... um..... Nothing very important."

Canada nodded, obviously it was extremely important if it made him scared but he didn't want to seem like he was forcing the other nation to tell him.

But he would find out. 

"What would you like for breakfast?"

"Nothing really." Germany replied, he was still looking down. Damn, he wanted his family right now. 

But they probably hated him.

Canada frowned, something was really wrong. "I'll just make you some pancakes."

"No thank you."

Canada turned and got a good look at Germany. Stressed, he looked stressed. 

Extremely stressed. That's probably why he didn't want to eat. But still, he didn't eat last night so skipping another meal wouldn't be healthy.

He was gonna have to tell America about this.

Canada decided to make the food anyway. Once he was done, he set a plate of pancakes in front of the other nation along with some maple syrup. After another concerned glance at Germany, he left and went to find Alfred.

Germany just sighed and pushed the food away, he put his head down. He really just wanted life to go back to normal.


"84!! 85!! 86!! 87!! 88!!" Canada walked out to the backyard, where a lot of his younger siblings were. For some reason, they were counting.

As he walked closer, he got a better look at what they were doing.

A shirtless America and Diego were going against each other in pushups. And it seems like to make the competition even harder, Diego had Maria sitting on him while Alfred had New Hampshire.

He didn't even know why they were competing. He would beat both of them anyway.

"Al!! We need to talk!!"

"Oh hey Mattie!!' Alfred was able to look at his older brother while continuing with the pushups, "Can it wait?"

"Not really, it's about Germany." Canada's voice turned to a more concerned tone.

Alfred and Diego immediately stopped.

Some of their Mexican siblings rolled their eyes, they really didn't care. As far as they were concerned, this was the guy who almost made their family have a close call. Why should they be concerned?

New Hampshire got off America and he stood up before walking over to Canada. The two walked back inside the house.

"What's wrong?" Was the first question asked.

"He refuses to eat, and was spacing out, when I brought him back he looked scared for some reason. I doubt he even ate the pancakes I made."

Alfred nodded, "Where is he?"

"I left him in the kitchen."

The twins started to walk to the kitchen and were met with Germany laying his head on the table. The pancakes were still untouched.

"Germany, you okay bro?"

Germany sat up but didn't say anything.


Once again, he looked out of it. Just staring at nothing.

"He's doing this again," A voice said from behind them.

"You saw him like this before, Alexander?" America asked Nova Scotia who nodded.

"This morning, when I went to wake him up."

The twins looked at each other, this wasn't good.

"Germany, can you please look at us?" Alfred asked, "Say something?"

Germany finally looked at them, his eyes were dull and full with sadness, "How do you keep going with everyone hating you?"


Liechtenstein sighed as she watched the sunset, it had been so gloomy lately. The attitude in the house had drastically changed. 

Austria had been buried with paperwork and he had been told by England that he would have to meet with him, France, and Russia once every week. 

Which meant he would be extremely busy.

Switzerland tried to make it seem like he was okay but she knew he wasn't. He wasn't here at the moment, he had left her with Austria to head to his own country to meet with his boss.

Liechtenstein toyed with the cross her brother gave her. There wasn't really anyone to talk to anymore.

She really missed Hungary. 

She was like a mother to her. Liechtenstein wasn't naïve though, she knew why her brother let Hungary go. She understood why.

It was for her own good, to spare her from what was to come.

The world wasn't that nice after World War 1, and so far most of the allies weren't either. 

She had no idea what the future held and it was scary, she wondered how her brothers were doing. 

"Please be okay," She said quietly as a tear slipped. 


It's almost been a month since I updated, I'm so sorry. Unraveling and Descent also have to be updated.

So how was this chap? 


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