"Hands off, he's mine" he joked with her as he stood behind me and draped his arms over me and rested his head on top of my shoulder.

I looked over at Hoseok who had linked his hand with Tae's and smiled to myself, happy that we had both found someone as amazing as Tae and Jungkook.

"Well come in! Dinner is almost ready" his mum chimed as she lead us inside. We took our coats and shoes off and I found myself mesmerised by the inside of the home. It was very simple but it looked so elegant. The floor was a black tile with flecks of glitter in them and walls were bright white. There was also a large diamond chandelier in the centre of the dining room. We sat down on some sofas when we got to the living room, they were a pale grey and unbelievably comfortable. Jungkook sat that close to me I may as well be sat on his lap but I was thankful for him still being as clingy and protective as ever with me. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and smiled at me, even just looking into his beautiful dark gaze I felt myself relax a little.

"So" his mum said as she sat down opposite me and Jungkook but next to Tae and Hoseok "I can smell that you are both vampires now, are you happy?" She looked at Hoseok first and he nodded and smiled, she then looked at me and I smiled

"I'm very happy"

"Did Jungkook tell you that he rang me when he changed you? He thought he had killed you because it was taking you ages to wake up, he was really worried"

"He mentioned that he thought he killed me but I don't remember him saying he called you for help" I smiled shyly and felt Jungkook kissed my temple.

After a little more talking we made our way to the dinner table. There was a man sat there who looked up and smiled at us, he quickly walked over and shook mine and Hoseok's hand.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Mino and I assume you are Jimin, and you are Hoseok?" He questioned and we both nodded with a smile

"Oh my child, I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Jennie" their mum ran over to us and shook both our hands "sit, sit, let's eat!"

Dinner was pleasant, it was a mix of tofu, rice and vegetables, supposedly made by their mum. Mino kept offering me more but I refused each time, telling them I was full.

"So..." Jennie spoke suddenly "I guess you're wondering why I've called you all here"

"Too right... What's the news this time?" Jungkook mumbled whilst taking another mouthful

"It's not news as such, more of a suggestion"

"Okay... What is it?" Jungkook asked whilst gripping my hand

"I want you to have kids" she said boldly causing Jungkook to almost spit out his drink, Tae froze mid bite and Hoseok's eyes widen to twice the size.

"But were boys. We can't make kids together" I said softly whilst looking at Jungkook.

"I know... but there is adoption and a surrogates... I just want you to think about it when you get home. I want to expand our family. I've got new son in laws and now I want grandchildren" she beamed "Just please think about it"

A glass was placed in my hand by a servant and I smiled politely to say thank you and watched as Jungkook took one as well. I looked down and saw a red substance, it looked too thick to be wine... and it was kind of warm.

~you don't have to drink it baby, they would understand~ Jungkook thought to me... clearly understanding my confusion

~it's blood... who's blood is it?~

~I don't know... it's the company I've told you about, the one I had last time I was here~


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