Setting the Table

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Tenkaichi Budōkai Living Quarters, Mr. Satan's Room

Far removed from the tournament arena, Mr. Satan was still residing in his quarters reserved specifically for the Tenkaichi Budōkai. Despite the fact that he no longer competed in the tournament professionally, Majin Bū — known to the world as Mr. Satan's star pupil, Mr. Bū — was a contender. By Mr. Satan's own request, Bū was guaranteed a slot within the tournament, ensuring that the Djinn never had to fight for his spot to compete.

Mr. Satan was seen with some odd company this time around. Bū was eating his way through a mountain of sweets, and stroking the ears of a gigantic dog. It was the puppy he'd saved over a decade ago, having grown to a full adult in the time that had passed. He'd named the former puppy Bē, and had grown close to the dog in that time. But what was perhaps more shocking than the fully grown dog was a blue skinned woman sitting next to Bū.

This woman in question was "Miss Bū", and she was the wife of Mr. Bū, which the latter had created using his unique powers as a Djinn. The woman was a female Majin Bū, and beautiful. She was taller than he was, and her antennae, of which she had multiple, were styled into what resembled human hair, with the longest head tentacle extended behind her like a ponytail. The three were speaking easily, the way old friends would, and Miss Bū broached a subject with more surprising news.

"Do you think our child is going to win the tournament, Bū?" she inquired smoothly. Her voice was rich, and she spoke with an eloquence that her husband lacked. "It's her first Tenkaichi Budōkai, after all."

"Bū not worried," replied the Djinn. "Our kid is super strong! Satan pulled strings, so she can compete in the big division!"

Miss Bū looked over at Mr. Satan, who was leaning back with an imported cigar. Her blue eyes flashed with surprise. "Did you really, Satan?"

"I figured it was only fair," replied Mr. Satan after a long drag. "Your kid is way too strong to be tangling with regular children, even if they are martial artists. I wouldn't want to scare away the kids and ruin the Youth Division for anyone."

Miss Bū giggled, smiling kindly. "You did that, did you Satan? Thank you."

"Don't mention it," replied the former martial artist, exhaling smoke in a ring. "Besides, it works out for all of us in the end."

"Pragmatic as always," the female Majin replied.

Tenkaichi Budōkai Preliminary Atrium

The preliminaries of the Tenkaichi Budōkai had concluded, with the Dragon Team earning their spots in the first rounds. The competitors were taking this time to warm up, and prepare for their true battles in the tournament. Gohan and Erasa were spending time with their daughter, who had — fittingly — defeated everyone and won the Youth Division. Goten and Trunks were sparring. Quirka was off on her own. Erasa and Piccolo were reviewing basics. Tenshinhan was meditating, and Yamcha was casually speaking with a female competitor.

The only one of the Dragon Team that couldn't be found was No. 18. She had left the room after the preliminaries had finished — she knew she had made it, why bother waiting around? — and was currently accessing a contact from her PSA. Holding the device out in front of her, it generated a MatterWave Holoscreen.


This word spun around her HoloScreen, thankfully bereft of the sort of dial tone that old cellular phone models had. The cyborg woman idled by as she waited for the call to connect, and was greeted by the face of her twin brother, No. 17, on the Holoscreen.

"This is a surprise," said the male cyborg without so much as a greeting. "Aren't you competing in the Budōkai right now? I can't imagine you just wanted to chat with your brother that badly. Stage fright?" It was a gentle prodding, and No. 17 smirked.

"Can it," replied No. 18 in a similar tone. "I'm calling to check on Marron; how is she?"

No. 17's eyes widened. "Oh she's..." He panned his own PSA towards a young teenage girl dressed in a ranger's outfit, having wrestled a carnivorous cat to the ground. She was currently applying a leg brace to the creature, despite its loud protests. No. 17 looked, if anything, proud. "She's doing fine, actually. You don't need to worry, she's thirteen, and she can handle herself."

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