Chapter Twenty-one

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Kathleen Bellisima's Point of View

Since the frightful day, it has already been three long weeks. There was no time that Alexander left my side. He was there every day at the hospital until I got home ten days after. The first two weeks felt like hell, I officially moved into Alexander's home since his mansion had a ramp for my wheelchair.

Honestly, I didn't just move into his home for the sake of convenience, I wanted to be there with him even if I could not please him in ways I used to before.

Being shot in your thigh was one unbearable pain that I managed to live through. Starting with a cast and a wheelchair to help me, I am now only using crutches for whenever my legs would feel tired of too much movement.

My doctors did not expect me to have a fast recovery. When they had told me that it would at least take me a month and a half to start walking again, I did it in three weeks.

Leg therapy was a pain in the ass but what was worse? No sexual intercourse for twenty-one days. Even Xander struggled with it but he would not even let me please him, he just wants to let me heal and get healthy in time.

I remembered the times in the hospital, whenever he thought I was asleep, Alexander would whisper things that made my heart melt. He told me how much he loved me and cared for me. I was truly blessed to have him enter my life and I was not willing to let go of him, ever.

Of course, no one stopped teasing the both of us when we got caught, sharing a passionate kiss. Even my father saw it and instead of him getting mad, he gave Alexander a wicked smile before teasing him as well.

His family, mine, Alexander, Christina, and Cole, they were the ones who helped me through this. Not only when I was in the hospital but when Andrew broke me into a thousand pieces.

It took long before they helped me put myself back together but still, no one gave up on me and I will forever be grateful to them. Now, the bastard's out of my life and I am someone new, someone stronger, I am a survivor and a fighter.

Then, I was interrupted with my thoughts when I felt Alexander pulling me into his arms again. He's awake but I was awake before him, making me tease him about being an owl.

"Good morning, angel," he whispered, still squinting his eyes from the morning sunlight that peaked from the window blinds.

"You're better than my morning," I told him and kissed him. What was beautiful with this man? He does not have a morning breath, seriously, is he even human?

We cuddled for a while but I remembered, "I have the doctor's appointment today, Xander, Christina said that she would drive me there."

He never missed being with me during an appointment but I was slightly hoping that he will let this one slide because I was planning to surprise him after the appointment.

"Getting rid of me already?" He asked while teasing and nuzzling into my neck. One more thing that frustrated me the most is when he does things that heat up my core and make me want him so badly.

"You know that I'll never get rid of you but I also want to have some girl time with Christina. Would that be okay?" I pecked his lips, trying to convince him but he still would not let me.

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