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They all asked me multiple questions on my mom and what I found out about her. Some things I could answer, others I could not. This continued for a while and after practice we made our way to their dorm. I helped Jin out with dinner and we even got Nami and Yi to come over. Nami and Yi asked me questions too and then they started talking about my up coming birthday. I ignored this and kept close to Jimin the whole time. Only listening a little bit.

"Oi! Stop staring at your boyfriend and pay attention to us!" Nami yells throwing a skittle at my face.

I turn to glare at her.

"Why are you making plans when I already have plans?" I ask.

The look of shock and sadness on her face is really quite refreshing.

"And what plans would that be?" she asks her tone sad.

"I'm taking Jimin to meet my grandparents." I say and everyone, including Jimin who is in my lap, turns to look at me.

"I-i'm w-w-what?!" Jimin stutters out loudly.

"Come on, it's not that far, okay it is kinda far. But they will accept you and like you. So it's not an issue." I tell him and he gets up out of my lap.

Everyone watches as he stands up and his confused face turns into sadness and anxiety.

"It's not about that. Were you just going to take me to their place without telling me on your birthday if we hadn't brought up this conversation?" he asks.

I stand up too looking at him.

"Maybe, I don't know, I was still working it out Jimin. I hadn't planned on telling you so soon into me coming back. I just thought since they wanted to meet you it'd be nice to have some family see who I love." I tell him.

"How about me being ready to meet your family huh? Think about that for a moment Hero! Maybe you leaving was too much for me, and now you want to add more to my worry by this?" he raises his voice.

"Hold on now, i'm not trying to add anything to your worry. And I didn't know leaving messed you up that much." I tell him.

I'm trying not to make this be the first fight we are having and especially not in front of everyone. But it seems like Jimin just doesn't seem to care.

"I get that you had to go figure things out Hero, I do. But coming back and then deciding things that have to do with others like its not an issue isn't cool. You messed me up, leaving. I tried calling you, even though you told me not to. No one told me that when you leave you act like you never lived this part of your life. I just wanted to see you or hear your voice but I got one call. You don't tell me half the stuff I tell you and you think that taking me to meet family is sharing? Well it's not!" he goes off on a tangent.

"Okay, you're right I don't share a lot Jimin. But if you ask i'll share. It's not like i'm hiding anything. I don't want to hide anything." I tell him keeping my voice calm.

Everything goes quiet for a while as he thinks. Our little 'lovers spat' making everyone shut up. Finally Yi breaks it.

"Okay, well Nami and I better get going. It's getting late and we have work tomorrow." they leave and I nod to myself.

"I better get going to, I have work early tomorrow." I say grabbing my things and cleaning up my small mess.

I give Jimin a small kiss on the temple before I head to the door. The others bid me a goodnight and I leave. I bump into some thugs on accident, feeling like crap I didn't feel the need to fight back. I finally make it back to the orphanage really late. When I get to bed I pass out.

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