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Finally after a month of being gone and with no contact besides one call. I was able to pack up my things from the Exo dorm and leave. I let Sehun drive me so I didn't waste more money on a taxi. He waited with me outside of their building, just for them to come walking down the street back home. The group was large and wore gear to protect their faces. I spotted Jimin immediately. Pushing myself off the wall we were both leaning on I stood in the middle of the side walk.

Jungkook saw me first and stopped. This made Yoongi run into him and yell at him. I almost laughed but I only watched Jimin. Soon everyone saw me and when Jimin realized it was me he sprinted towards me. In the time I had been gone I grew a half inch making me a full inch and a half taller than him now. Still not as tall as Sehun but I wouldn't like to be a giant like him.

Jimin's body slammed into mine, I hugged him and lifted him into the air. He had grown lighter but I could tell there was a lot of muscle under the clothes he wore. I'm glad the only gear he was wearing was a hat because when he was in the air we connected lips and if he was wearing a mask it would have gotten in the way. The kiss was slow and full of love. Finally someone coughed and we broke apart, I set him down and turned to Sehun who looked a bit awkward standing there.

"Get a room you two, this is a street." he said with a smile.

"Oh shut it Hun, your just jealous." I tell him with a smirk as his face drops and he goes to throw a insult my way.

Though his words are caught in his throat due to the action Jimin does. He uses his hand to turn my face to him, I let him do this. He leans up and kisses me. I lean down a bit more, so he doesn't have to stand on his tip toes, and deepen the kiss. An 'Ew' is said but I ignore it and kiss him for a second more. When we break I stare into his eyes. His eyes look so bright and finally I stand straight and look to Sehun as he makes a grossed out face.

"Sehun you don't have to stay. Go back to the dorms, i'm sure your going to miss dinner if you don't head back now." I tell him pulling Jimin closer to me, instinctively, by the waist.

"I would but first you have to get your things out of the trunk." he gives me a 'are you dumb' look.

With a small huff I let go of Jimin and walk to the back of the car.

"I thought you were supposed to be the nice hyung." I mumble letting him catch it.

"Nah, i'm the nice friend. Chen is the nice hyung. If anything you should be thanking Suho, he let you stay at the dorm. Anyways cya, be sure to call later." he tells me and I chuck my pre-paid phone at his car as he drives off.

"I'm going to kill that guy one of these days because of his jokes." I say turning to the group.

"You stayed at their dorm the whole month?" Taehyung asked.

"Not the whole month, I stayed in a hotel for a week. If you don't mind though. Can we ask questions later, I really am tired from my long month of work." I tell them as we walk up to the dorm.

Of course my request went unnoticed. They started asking me question after question. Finally I just dragged Jimin to his room and locked the door. We laid in his bed for a while cuddling, before he talked.

"Why did you leave?" he asks.

"I had to find out about my mom." I tell him the truth.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" he follows.

"More than ever." I tell him kissing his temple.

"You couldn't of stayed here to do all your work? You had to go thirty minutes away?"

"I didn't want to bother you all. Plus it wasn't all just about my mom, I found a place I can move into when it's ready."

He sits up and looks down at me.

"I thought you were going to live with us after your birthday." he tells me upset.

"It wouldn't be fair to you guys. You all live a active life and I don't want to barge in on that. Plus, i'll be entering college soon and I don't want to have to buy a car. The college is just a few minutes down the road from the apartment I picked out." I told him.

I was planning to go to college once I had enough money and bought a place for myself anyways. Now I get to do both of those things and work in my spare time. Of course that means less time with Jimin but i'm sure he'll find ways to keep himself entertained. For now we'll spend as much time as we can together.

"Hey, I was thinking of going to work with you tomorrow. Of course I have some things to do back at the orphanage in the morning but I could join you guys after, if it's no trouble." I look to him.

His face showed shock. In the past on my off work days I would refuse to go to his work with him and just hang out and Nami and Yi's place until he was done. Now after meeting his boss I was intrigued to learn more about my mother and how she worked. If she knew anyone who still works there and even if I could meet a few of them. Though of course I didn't tell Jimin any of this. Not wanting him to get upset at me or Taehyung about what happened the last time I was there. In any case he agreed, nodding his head vigorously.

In any case we had dinner and I answered the few questions that were pointed towards living with the nine Exo members or knowing how sad Jimin was for the whole month. Finally I started to realize, since my incident a month ago I've been thinking and talking in a more knowledgeable way, almost like I've learnt something about the world.


Hello everyone, just wondering if you are liking the story so far? Umm or if anyone reads this at all. Do you like the title? I know I've changed it twice now, but I just couldn't decide on a name. I thought this one fit pretty well. Anyways I hope you continue reading, if anyone is reading this. Thank you and bye now.~

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