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(Hero's POV)-A week after the first day-

I wake up to the alarm on my new phone. It's currently 7am, I have a meeting with the doctor who took my blood test a while back. I was going to ask him for all the files on my mom, that is, if he still had them. Two days ago when we talked on the phone he said he still had them but that could be false now. I got ready and put on Jimin's hoodie. Even after a week it still smelt like him and some how it was comforting. I have seven more weeks until my birthday, seven more weeks until I get to leave, seven more weeks until my life changes.

Sehun has been a big help, even with his practicing he still finds time to help me search up my mother online. So far nothing is making sense. We've found a woman who used to sing for Big Hit back before I was born. She was pretty but I just didn't think she was my mother, even with the same name.


In the office I got the three files on my mother like I wanted, he had me sign for them before I could leave. When I got back to the dorm an hour later I sat down on the floor. I'm glad all the guys were at practice because Suho would not have liked that I made a mess on the floor with all the information. I listened to music as I did my work looking through the files. I read through the one about her first.

Joon Tae-Kyeong, 19 when had first and only born child Joon Hero. When she was 17 she got Signed into a contract with Big Hit Entertainment. Became the singer and rapper known as Dawn Moon.

I stop reading. I guess this is where I get my talent from. I continue to read after a little while. I guess my search didn't have to go as long as I planned but I was not done yet.


It's now been two weeks since I left Jimin. I miss him more than ever but I know I am not ready to go back. I called the Big Hit building and scheduled a meeting with the boss. Today I was going in. I took a taxi and was careful not to bump into anyone as the desk lady took me to his office. I was meant to be far away from here, I couldn't let anyone know I was here. He invited me in and we traduced ourselves.

"So young man what was it that you wanted to talk about?" he asks very politely.

"How long have you been working here sir?" I ask.

"Almost 38 years." he told me, I nodded.

"Do you happen to remember a singer by the name of Dawn Moon?" I ask.

"Oh all this is about Dawn? Yes, I certainly do remember her. Shame she died so young, I would do anything to meet her son. She quit almost halfway through her second year of preforming, she said she was going to start a family. Ah, how amazing she was." he went into a small story about my mom.

"I was wondering if you had any pictures of her?" I ask nicely.

"Of Dawn? Yes I have quite a few. May I ask what she is to you?" he asks as he gets up out of his chair to fetch the pictures.

I don't answer until he turns around with pictures of her.

"She's my mother. I just wanted to have a picture of her." I tell him.

The shock that filled his face was so laughable but I did not laugh. This was serious.

"Then by all means take them, you could do some much more with them than I could." he gave me them. "By chance, what might your name be again?" he asks.

"Joon Hero." I say before thanking him for the pictures, I place them into my bag.

"Ah you sure do have her eyes, is it possible you have her talents as well?" he asks and I nod with a smile.

"Perhaps you could sing or rap a bit for me?" he asks.

I think about it. I mean why not? It seems to me he and my mom were pretty close. So I decide to sing Stay with Me by Punch and Chanyeol. I sing Punch's part with a smoother, warmer sound, almost girlish. And Chanyeol's in my normal tone. I was only going to sing the last minute and a half of the song anyways so I decided to do it instead of switch songs.

After rapping and singing both parts I felt him stunned. I stood and bowed.

"Excuse me sir, I should really be going now." I say slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

It was getting close to lunch and BTS head out for lunch so I thought it would be good to leave now then get caught in the hallway by the group. We bowed to each other and he told me to visit again before letting me go. I was halfway down the hallway, almost to the entrance when I heard the voices.

Taehyung, Jimin, and Jin. They were behind me talking, a bit further down the hallway, not too close. I hurried out of the building. Making sure not to run, but just hurry. Jimin's voice did stop for a moment and i'm guessing he had looked up. I'm glad that I brought extra gear today. Wearing a hat, a face mask, and Jimin's hoodie. Even though I knew it was risky, I wore it anyways, I just couldn't go anywhere without it.

"Excuse me sir! Sir!" I heard a voice say after me once I stepped out of the building, but I ignored it, it probably wasn't towards me anyways. "Sir in the pink hoodie!" the voice said.

Now I knew they were talking to me. I was, in fact, the only one wearing a hoodie in the middle of summer. I look back to the man, only to be surprised when Taehyung stood there. I was four maybe five feet from the taxi. I could have ran for it but I knew that was wrong. I stood still as Taehyung talked to me, I watched behind him as Jimin stepped out of the building with Jin, looking in our direction.

"Excuse me but you look like a friend of mine." he tells me but I just keep looking at Jimin.

Jimin was wearing the shirt I gave him. It was one of my favorites, a blue shirt with letters all over it that if you didn't know what it meant made no sense. Some black tight jeans and his converse.

"Taehyung it is me, but I don't want you to tell anyone you saw me. Don't tell Jimin especially, I want you to say I was just some guy." I tell him, my voice saddening, I guess he could tell. I looked him directly in the eyes as I asked this.

"I'm not like Jungkook Hero, but for you, i'll lie this once. You might want to go before you get his hopes up." he tells me with a frown.

"I'll get someone to call you, when they do give the phone to Jimin. He's going to need it." I give him my instructions, he nods and I get into the car.

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