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After a while a knock comes to the door. It's Jimin when I open it, I apologize saying I just got lost in thought. We all end up in the living room. I decide to start talking.

"Hey guys, lets say if I lied to you about my family and in reality I was an orphan how would you deal with that?" I ask cautiously.

"I mean i'd still like you, being an orphan doesn't change who you are." Namjoon starts off and the others slowly agree saying their own words.

"I wouldn't care, your still cool to me." Taehyung says with a smile.

"I agree, I mean we are your family if you were, even if you aren't." Jungkook tells me slinging an arm over my shoulder.

"You're not so why should I care. But if you were I wouldn't mind, it wouldn't affect me anyways." Yoongi's response sounded almost mean, but then I realized he didn't mean it that way.

"I'd think that was cool, i'd want to know how it all works! I would accept you and all but I still would like how adopting works." Hoseok laughs clapping.

I was a bit afraid of Jimin's words, seeing as he was the last to say anything.

"You're a cool guy now, so I wouldn't mind. I'd be a little upset that you didn't tell me in the beginning but i'd get over it sure. You're family now, so I would accept you."

My fear flooded away and I thanked them, Jin hasn't said anything yet though.

"What's with the question so suddenly though?" Namjoon asks with a smile.

I take one last look around the room, I slowly regret my decision. The room is filled with smiles.

"Umm, well. B-because, I-I am... I am an orphan." I mumble, whispering the ending.

I am imiediently engulfed in a hug by the person sitting next to me, Taehyung. The person on my other side does the same, Hoseok. Combined, I laugh at how tight they are trying to squeeze me.

"Please l-let g-o!" I laugh out, but the hug gets tighter and then I realize something, making my laughing stop abruptly.

I look around the two, Jin looks happy I told the others. Namjoon and the others don't look bothered. Jimin though, I can't read his expression.


At the end of the night I let Jimin walk me back. Finally he speaks.

"Couldn't of told me sooner? Who else knew?" he asks sounding upset.

"NaMi, Yi, and Jin found out in the beginning." I tell him quietly.

"For a month Hero? You hid this for a month?" he asks sounding even more upset.

"I was going to tell you all, it's hard you know?! I had another family interested in me on Wednesday and guess what?! They didn't want me after two hours!" I tell him almost yelling.

"I've been in over a hundred homes! No one wants me Jimin! I didn't want to lose the people I had that were almost as close as family!" I tell him, glad the streets are empty this late at night.

"I want you HERO! Did you ever think about that?!" he yells.

I am not shocked, I knew. That doesn't get into his head until after I don't react.

"Of course you thought about it, yeah cause you could tell I guess. You just don't like me back so you have nothing to say for it." he tells me, earning a punch in the face from me.

"It's not that I don't like you Jimin, it's I like you too much! I have never felt wanted before! I'm scared to get close to people! That is why I was hiding that, that is why I was hiding how much I care for you!" I yell at him, tears rushing down my face.

His face is filled with shock, his now bleeding lip slowly drying. The shock of all this fills him to much and he just stares at me as I cry.

"You know what, i'm done." I mumble, I run off back to the place I've lived my whole life.

Jimin doesn't run after me, instead he watches.


(Short but the last one was really long and I thought this would be a good place to end this chapter off. Thank you, have fun reading the next chapter.)

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