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When I got back the boys were home. I went to Xiumin and asked him to call Taehyung. They talked for a second before Xiumin passed the phone over to me. I waited for a moment and finally I heard it.

"Hello?" his voice sounded so small, I could tell he had been crying.

"Hey Min." I say, a small smile opening onto my lips. Xiumin leaves the room to give me some space, probably going to the livingroom.

"H-hero?" he says, chocking down a sob.

"Yeah." I confirm a small, sad laugh leaving my lips.

"Where are y-you?" he asks.

"Just around. Don't worry about this being Xiumin's number. I'm not staying with them, I just stopped here for the night. I wanted you to know that I love you before we lose contact again." I lie lightly.

"I want you here." he tells me.

"I can't do that. Not yet. I still need some answers. I'll see you soon." I tell him a few tears falling down my face.

"No, don't end the call yet Hero." he says.

"I wasn't planning to, I still need to tell you how much I love you and how i'll be back before my birthday." I tell him.

"Who is your boyfriend?" he asks and I widen my eyes.

"Boyfriend? I only have one. Jimin have you lost your mind? You are my boyfriend." I say into the phone in a sad tone.

"I meant who was, you know the one when you were younger." he tells me and I get it finally.

"It's not a time to tell you Jimin. He's gone anyways." I tell him wiping my tears.

"What was his name Hero?" he asks.

"Luhan, his name was Luhan. And it was a mistake. I must go now Jimin. I love you." I hang up the phone once I say all this.


The next morning I decide it's best to leave. Before the boys go to morning practice I tell them i'll be getting a hotel for the rest of the week. I'll see them next week. While they were at practice I got a hotel and continued my search online. After a while I found what I was looking for. Friends of my mom. I contacted a few of them. By now they already had their own children so it wasn't hard contacting them. One said I could stop by tomorrow. So I kept searching, online, in the files, anywhere. I found the grandparents I was looking for finally. There was no number for them but I got their names.

Joon Hyo-Yeong and Joon Joo-Wan

My grandparents were now in their 70s and 80s but I had to get into touch with them. And it seems the only way to do that was to talk to mom's friend.


-Another week-

I got to meet mom's friend. She was very helpful. She gave me a lot of information on my mom and even gave me my grandparents number and adress. I thanked her so much before I left. It was now Sunday of my third week. I had left the hotel and back to the Exo dorm. I was currently doing laundry. Sitting in a black shirt and kahki shorts. I called my grandparents, my grandma answered. They arranged me to meet them at a cafe near their home. I agreed. Finally I was going to meet them.

I had a taxi drive me to the shop they picked out. It was a very informal meeting because once my grandma saw me she started crying, saying I looked so much like my mom. They took me back to their house and I spent the day there. They told me all about my mom and my dad. They talked about how I got most of my looks from my mom, but my light brown hair was from him. He was fully american. Kind of like my grandpa, he's american and my grandma is Korean.

I spent the night and the morning of the next day at their house just talking. Before I told them goodbye, I gave them my real number and said i'd visit. They were okay with me being gay so they were looking forward to me bringing home my boyfriend for a visit. They had also apologized for not being able to take me in when mom died. They just couldn't raise a child at the time. I understood and once I left their house I was happy.

I still wasn't done. I had one more week to go. I still needed to plan for after my birthday. I was planning to move in with BTS but that wouldn't be fair to them even if Jimin would love the idea. I went searching online for an apartment near the cafe and their dorm. I found three. They were good sized apartments. Two of them had two rooms and one only had one. I kept looking liking both houses with two bedrooms. I spent the rest of my two weeks looking for a home. I went to look at the spaces too. After a while I found the one. Of course I told the relistate agent I wouldn't be able to move in for a month and he said that they needed a month or so to get the space ready anyways.

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