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[Time Skip a month]

So the past month has been nuts. I'm two more months closer from moving out of the orphanage, Jae is still trying to find me a home but it's proving very unsuccessful. I stay at the orphanage too much, said by NaMi. I have been taking the littles to and from school. Working a lot, even taking extra hours. Hanging out with Jimin as much as I could. I even had my first official date with him.

It was cute how he asked me. He got flowers and brought them home one night, asked Jin if he could barrow his car if I said yes and asked me during dinner. He seemed embarrassed to ask but it was alright, I thought it was cute. Jimin ended up blind folding me and taking me to a open fielded park, it was beautiful. We had a picnic until dark, mind you we got there around the sunset to watch it together and then he dropped me off at the orphanage. I thought it was pretty romantic and apparently no one in the house knew he was going to do it, so I thought that was amazing.

I've been pretty busy, so busy that I almost missed the bus to work this morning. I've been recently taking the bus to make time. Summer is a week away so the orphanage will be a lot more full and I am not ready to see all the teenagers around my age hanging around the place. I've told Jae that today i'm staying at Jin's place until tomorrow and that one of the guys will bring me back in the morning. First though, I have work. So I hope that it won't be too busy.


Around lunch NaMi and Yi came in, we said our greetings and for a while I noticed how quiet they were. So during my lunch break I just studied them. After a while of staring at Yi and switched my eyes to NaMi. She was cleaning cups like always. Today she was wearing a nice, flowy, white top, with a green jacket over it. Some casual dark grey fitting jeans, and brown boots. Her hair was in a simple side french braid, and she was wearing her big rimmed glasses today. She wears her normal set of jewelry, some pretty flower earings, her watch that Yi bought her for their aniversarry last year, and a silver band ring with a medium sized diamond on her left ring finger.

I kept watching her for a few more moments and then it clicked. My eyes shoot back to the ring on her hand, and I am thankful for there being no customers in the shop at this exact moment, because I screamed and jumped out of my chair. The two looked to me in surprise and somewhat worry. I race over to NaMi, tripping over my chair and running into the counter, but I make it over to her. I grab her hand and pull it to my face. Looking up at her and back down at the ring and then back to her. She laughs at my reaction and Yi joins her.

"You screamed like a girl! OW!" Yi says before yelling as I hit him on the shoulder hard.

"When were you guys going to tell me!!" I got mad and upset.

"We were going to tell you if you didn't notice today silly."


So after work and congradulating NaMi and Yi, Jimin picks me up and we go to the dorm. I'm so happy I skip to the dorm and inside. I take off my shoes neatly and head to the kitchen to help Jin with dinner. Instead of helping I end up sitting on the counter talking about my eventful day. As dinner came I calmed down a bit more, but my happy mood didn't fade.

"So the rest of work was of me congradulating the two and them laughing about how my scream sounded so girly." I tell them and they all laugh, I laugh with them stopping when my phone rings.

I pull it out and look at the caller.

'Huh, unknown number. Interesting.'

I look up at Jin.

"Hey I need to take this call, i'll be right back guys." I say getting up and heading into the hallway.

I pick up the call.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Aw yes, hello Mr. Ji. We got your results back. So your mom Joon Tae-Kyeong was 19 when she had you it says here on the papers. Umm there is no father reported here, but it also says that your mother died after giving birth." he tells me and suddenly my whole world crashes.

My mood falls and tears spill, I didn't even notice that they had filled up but they did. I'm quiet for a while.

"Mr. Ji? Hello?" the doctor asks.

"Ah~! Yes, thank you." I say and hang up.

I slide down the wall, end up sitting on the floor, arms on knees and head on arms. My tears continue to slide down my face as thoughts run through my mind. Everything slowly makes sense now. Why Jae was so worried, why she took me under her wing, why she keeps trying to find me homes. It's all because she knew the truth. She knew my mom died giving birth to me, and that my father didn't even want me. Footsteps come my way but I don't look up, tears keep coming as I stay in my form of shock. The footsteps stop.

"Hero? Are you okay?" Jimin's voice sounds worried, I hear him walk closer and suddenly his hand is on my back.

I don't move, nor do I say anything. My world is crashing and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.

A Love (BTS x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ