Before the creature could harm me, I felt the ropes slacken and the feeling immediately caused my eyes to widen. The firm grip of two strong hands pulled me up pushing me behind them. Upon acknowledging my saviour, it was none other than the Pendragon Prince himself. What great timing that was....


He didn't have time to reply as the beast approached him. Lancelot had now acquired a sword and was working with Arthur to fight it off. Who knows what they were talking about but before I knew it I was being pulled in the direction of the portcullis. "Merlin!! Don't sit there cowering let's go!"

Merlin was here too and that somehow brought a flood of relief to me.

He was over the top of the cage within seconds and we were about to run through but Lancelot stayed behind as well as my 'brother'. "Take Row now, I'll hold them off. The familiar feeling of Arthur' hand in mine was comforting but we were still not safe. He managed to find the right tunnel and we were almost there until...

Valiant seemed to come out of nowhere. The unexpected visit meant that the two of us lost our grip and I was now being used as a shield with a dagger to my throat. "We meet again Prince Arthur. Since being here the Lady Rosa has caused far too much trouble for anyone's liking and deserves the proper punishment don't you think?" He was absolutely crazy! "Why I didn't kill you all those months ago is a mystery to me." Arthur had his sword up ready when Valiant' moment of weakness would arise... if it arose.

"Perhaps you should have killed me off. But then I wouldn't be able to do this!" At that moment I felt the pressure of the blade and without any time to lose I used my elbow to at least loosen his grip to allow me to get out of his horrid hold and it would seem I succeeded but, he was approaching quickly and clearly angered. But before he could get any closer Arthur had managed to somehow get in to his blind spot and ran his sword through Valiant' torso holding his hair "I told you to stay away from her all that time ago or I would kill you. Guess I have fulfilled my promise." Valiant stared at me until his last breath and fell to the ground.

My feet were stuck on the ground, my wide-eyed gaze focused on the open eyes of Valiant that were still locked upon me. I didn't even here Arthur calling me but I could feel the trembling in my hands.

The next thing I know is I'm being pulled along to a metal gate the strong but gentle hand of Arthur' leaves my back as he begins to unlock it. I wanted to say something but the moment passed when I heard loud heavy footsteps approaching us. There was no way I was going back in there again but thankfully Arthur was by my side this time and sensing my apprehension watched the dark hall silently with his hand on his sword.

A sigh left my lips as I noticed the two dark haired men approaching. "It's good to see you both". Lancelot's voice seemed to echo around the cold passageways as he glanced at the Prince and his servant. "Where are your knights?" the clicking of the lock on the gate stopped as Arthur glanced behind him to see Lancelot. "Uh it's just us." What? Just the two of them? I turned to Merlin who was biting his lip nodding to me signalling it was the truth. "We've got to keep moving".

Again, the hand of Arthur was there to help me up quickly guiding me to who knows where. The sun was beginning to set and the exhaustion was finally beginning to take its toll but thankfully we had made camp and the warmth of the fire was a soothing touch to the dark cell I had been in.

Merlin and Lancelot had gone to collect more firewood which meant Arthur and I were left alone. We hadn't spoken a single word since the tunnel and silence was of no comfort. The sound of footsteps caused me to lift my gaze seeing the blue-eyed Prince coming to sit next to me. He was nervous for who knows what reason as he twiddled with his thumbs.

BBC Merlin Fanfic Book 2 - Fearless (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now