Chapter 29 Read All About It

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"I don't see what the big deal is, can't we just tell him when he's well enough and that's the end of it?" She wondered.

"Ever since Alex was taken from us, Louis has been under a boat load of stress. He was going crazy with grief and there was no way to pull him out, but now that he's found out that Alex is ok he's been in better spirits. I know he will be beyond happy to find out that you're alright, but we don't know how he'll react when he finds out about your paralysis." Harry answered

"If he really loves me like he said he did that morning, my disabillity shouldn't matter to him at all. Like when Alex had the crutches, he loved her non the less. Or when Zayn had his cane for that short span of time, he still loved him like a brother. It should be no different for me, yesterday he told me that me and Alex we're his number one priority and that he needed me to pull through for him. So i'll still be there if he accepts me or not." She spoke as her voice cracks and she begins to cry, I walk over to her and hug her.

"He just has to, I don't know if I would be able to live with myself if he didn't." she answered before the three of us exchanged glances, we all knew that he would.


Zayn's POV

I sat there in the waiting room, tapping my fingers my knee in a nervous beat. I had been here so many times that I should have been used to the fear of losing someone dear to me, but the same fear and pounding heart returned to me like an old friend. The doors opened and in walked one of the doctors working on Louis and Alex, my heart began to beat harder as I recognized the pace she was walking in and I clearly knew what that meant.

Bad news.

"The surgery is complete but we have news conscerning your friend Louis Tomlinson, so please follow me so we can discuss this in private." She spoke and I followed her with a heavy heart.


Niall's POV

Harry's phone began to ring while we sat together in Eleanor's room still, boredly watching the televion or numbling gazing out the window at nothing in particular.

"It's Zayn." Harry said before immediately picking it up and putting the phone to his ear as he stood and paced to the center of the room.

"How did it go?" He asked immediately.

There was a long moment of silence as Harry stood with the phone to his ear, his hand holidng the phone began to shake.

"A- alright, i'll tell them." He murmured shakily as he ran a shaking hand over his face, he sniffled before ending the call and placing his phone in his pocket. He turned to us and we saw tears streaming down his face before he fell into a chair.

"Good Lord mate tell us what happened!" Liam asked

"Alex is perfectly fine, but Louis-" He got cut off bt trying to choke down a small sob.

"What about Louis!?" Eleanor nearly shouted

"H-he, Louis He-"

"Tell me!!" she shouted turning pale

"His heart stopped in the surgery!!!" He shouted

The world stopped as he began to sob into his hands, no one blinked, no one moved, no one breathed.

"No." Liam murmured as we all paled.

"T-they were able to revive him, b-but they said there isn't much hope for him!" Harry spoke between hiccups as Eleanor began to sob.

No, this couldn't be happening.

Not my best friend.


Hey you guys, I just love to leabe you guys on such a cliff hanger it makes me smile as wide as the grinch.

I would like to give thanks to @Directioner1D355, @Kattie_1123, @http_hannah, @TeamFourTris46, @lovebug94715, @Ayannabonna247, @Puppiesrock1000, @directionerforeverHM


Even for you guys that just read and vote every once and a while i'm very thankful for you guys, after seeing what this story has achieved it's brung tears to my eyes seeing how much you guys actually like what I write and it's inspire me to become an actual writer.

Now i'm thinking of having an idea for a contest, I don't know what to do about entires and what you enter but I would really like to co-write a story with one of my closest people, as in you fellow readers. So i'm thinking that the award would be an account owned by myself and one of you reading this, and we can both write a wonderful story together!

Plus it would give me a little insight on the minds of my readers :)

So if you have any ideas or suggestions, simply comment on this chapter or private message me. See you later!

"Why fit in when you are born to stand out? - Dr. Seuss"

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