Chapter Twenty Seven

Start from the beginning

I start the video, watching it load. It starts from when I lunge at Jeremy.

I watch the video, practically feeling my injuries burn in pain when I rewatch how they happened.

When it's over I hand the phone back to Caleb and stare out the windowshield.

"What about Sophie?" I suddenly questions. "Is she okay?! What happened to her?!"

Caleb tries to calm me down, but I'm too worried.

"What if he got to her? What if she's injured? What if-"

"Enough!" Alexander yells, not taking his eyes off the road. "Kylie and the rest of them are on the scene, in the meantime, try to calm down Brenda."

"Brenda?" I question looking around the car, but only see a black window behind us. "Where is she?"

Alexander pushes a button and the black window slides down. Suddenly, the sound of sobbing hits us.

"Where is she?" Brenda sobs.

"Shh, calm down Ren, she's right here." Alexander's gang member points to me. Talk to her, he mouths.

"Brenda," I say. "Calm down, I'm right here and I'm okay."

Her sobbing turns to sniffling at the sound of my voice.

"Amy?" She murmurs.

"Sh, it'll be fine Brenda, just calm down." I look towards Alexander's gang member. "Thank you for helping her, what's your name?"


I nod. "Thank you for taking care of her Andrew."

He smiles. "No problem."

We sit in silence for the rest of the car ride.


I flinch at the touch on my back.

"Does that hurt?" Mrs. Black asks me.

I nod. Again, for the second time, I'm back in Alexander's mansion, the west wing.

Mrs. Balck tugs on my shirt, "May I?"

I tense. If she lifts my shirt, all bruises and scars will be in full view.

I think she mistakes me tensing for shyness because she glares at the boys in the room.

"All of you, out!" She points to the door.

Andrew, Caleb and Alex all leave the room.

She turns to me. "Can I take a look at your back?" She questions.

I sigh and nod slowly. I feel as she lifts my shirt and I tense, waiting for her to mention the old bruises and scars, but she doesn't.

She touches the bruise on my back, feeling around. I let out a moan of pain.

She feels around the outer edge of the bruise before putting my shirt down.

She comes around and grabs her clipboard.

She sighs and sits down on her chair and turns to me.

"Okay, so I didn't want to say anything in front of the boys, but I want to talk about you and your sister's health." She says.

"What about it?" Brenda questions from across the room.

Mrs. Black takes a deep breath and glances at her clipboard before talking again.

"I've noticed the day Brenda came in here, bruises and scars on her body. At first, I thought it was from her accident when she landed in the bush, but now Amy," she looks at me straight in the eye. "I don't think that's the case."

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