Lola: Meet you for lunch. Mom's forcing me to go to therapy.

Mikey: Yeah, at 12.

"No going to the bathroom as an excuse." She continued. "Are you listening to me, Lola?"

"Yeah, something about bathrooms." I said. I knew heard what she said, I just choose not to react.

"And no texting." She tried grabbing my phone but I pulled away in time.

I rolled my eyes "Calm down, mom. You don't have to worry about me, you should worry about Lulu and Max."

"They're mature." she stopped the car in front of what looks like a clinic "Be good, I'll pick you up at 11."

"Bye mom." I said opening the door.

"Love you." She called as I got out.

"Love you too." I closed the door, pulling my bag onto my shoulder.

I sighed once I walked in "Kill me." I muttered when I saw a group of kids in a circle. Some smiling, some rocking in their seats, most trying to avoid contact.

"Lola," Mr. Stevens smiled once he saw me "Take a seat and we'll get started."

I sat in the seat between Oliver and Tammy. I set my bag down gently and waited. Oliver faced the other way and muttered things. Tammy on the other hand was smiling like she just hit the jackpot.

"Shall we do introductions?" Mr. Stevens asked. No one spoke "Lola?"

I looked over at him and he was giving me a pleading look, asking me to start it off.

I stood up and sighed "I'm Lola Heart, I'm pretty sure you know me as Heartless Lola or the Freak. 18, a Senior."

"Why are you here?" he asked.

The doors opened and he walked in. He apologized for being late and sat across from me. He stared at me and I looked at him.

"Lola?" I snapped out of my daze "You could continue now."

"Um... Yeah." I shook my head "My mom thinks group therapy can help me." I shrugged.

"What do you mean?"

"No one can help me, everyone knows why I'm like this and it's been that way for years now."

"Well, we can try to help you if you allow us." I shook my head "Okay, does anyone have questions for Lola?"

I crossed my arms and sat down. No one usually asks me what happened or bother really.

"Do you give them the option to help you?" I looked up to see the Australian across me looking at me "Do you?" He pressed the question.

"Well Lola?" Mr. Stevens asked, trying to get me to explain myself.

"Before I did." I answered.

"What happened?" Luke asked.

"He turned on me, started calling me a freak, obsessed." I said never taking my eyes off of him "He never understood what I was and am going through, he just assumed that I was a freak and so did everyone else."

"Okay, anyone else?" Mr. Stevens said breaking the tension from us.

He stood up and shoved his hands into his pockets "I'm Luke Hemmings. 18, Senior. I moved here last week from Australia."

"What brings you here?" he asked him.

"My dad."

He nodded "Why are you at group therapy?"

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