The Beginning

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Hi, you must be wondering why I gathered you all here, haha, joke. My name is Duhb, Daniel Duhb. I am at... HOW THE HELL DID I GET TO A FIELD TRIP TO CAMP?! So, apparently I am at a camp. Dunno how I got the permission know all the things I've done..

Green tie on school

*NORMAL TIME* "Daniel?" I look up to see my crush, that I've had since 2nd grade, Honaka. "Hey Honoka where's Hanoko?" They're twins.. sadly. Oh, right, let me tell you who my friends are.

And that's all of them. "Daniel, are you ok?" Honoka ask me. "Yeah, I just have bad feeling, and you know what happens when I have a bad feeling.." She looks down.. Then, suddenly a bright light flashes and then I black out..

I wake with a seed with a face on my stomach. "The hell?" I feel drunk, wait, how old am I? "You're awake! You're awake!" He starts yelling with a tone of happiness. I get up and look around. "DANIEL!! HAAAALP!" I turn to see Honoka screaming and running with a green thing in a brown basket. "Don't be afraid!" The thing says. "Names. Now." I say.
"Honoka." says. "Wasn't asking you Honoka already knew." I told her. "I know." God she is adorable.. "WAIT, both of your names end with mon... EEEEEEE, DIGIMON!!!" I'm currently freaking out. Go to Honaka.

Honoka's POV
Me? Why me? Sigh, fine. God he's so cute, Minomon, not Daniel, maybe Daniel.

I look around and see Hanoko standing around with a white and purple fur ball with metal on its head in his arms. "Hanoko." I scream at him while Daniel is in a lake dancing. "Hey sis, having fun?" He asks me. I just point to Daniel. "I see." He says. Daniel is coming back, his POV NOW!

Daniel's POV
Once I stop freaking out I go meet up with everyone else who randomly found each other.
Gonna ignore that. I'm holding Frimon and wondering what he digivolves into.. Then we hear.. "SNIMON!!" I yell, and then we start running to a dead end. (Author's note here, wondering what the other in-training digimon are? Check the description!) "Daniel, I will distract them, just let me.." Frimon tells me. Then suddenly there are these balls that every one gets.. "What?" We all say. "Frimon Digivolve To! Leormon!"
"Bukamon Digivolve To! Gomamon!"
"Demi-Meramon Digivolve To! Candlemon!"
"DemiVeemon Digivolve To! Veemon!"
"Kapurimon Digivolve To! Kokuwamon!"
"Kyokyomon Digivolve To! Ryudamon!"
"Minomon Digivolve To! Wormmon!"
"Tsumemon Digivolve To! Keramon!"
"Koromon Digivolve To! Black Agumon!"
What will happen next? Find out in the next chapter! Also, this is the most I've EVER written, please like it.

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