EXTRA SCENE | Kirk Girls

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No, she wouldn't. She's Luna after all.

I hug her. I didn't stop myself. I didn't care who sees. I just want this moment with my mother.

"I missed you, mom," I whisper.

"I missed you too, my sweet little Cara," she says.

I laugh. "I'm not little anymore, mom."

"No, you're a grown beautiful woman," she replies.

I'm about to reply when I hear someone behind me.

"Mom?" I hear her say in confusion. "What's going on here?"

I stiffen. Crap

"Cara, what is going on?" Samantha asked again. "Why are you hugging my mother?"

"Samantha..." I start but Luna interrupts me.


She goes and hugs her too. Pulling back she looks between Samantha and I.

"I have something important to tell you both," she says.

"What is it?" Samantha asks concerned.

"Better I tell you in private, Samantha," Luna replies.

"Ok?" Samantha replies.

"Follow me," I say.

I lead them back into the castle. To the same room in which I told Aiden about Samantha and I.

"What do you need to tell me?" Samantha asks as we settle onto the chairs.

"You have an older sister," Luna begins. "You both share the same father."

Samantha's face visibly recoils.

"What?" She says. "You had another daughter with Peter before me?"

"Yes," Luna nods.

"Who is she?" Samantha asks. "Why haven't I've meet her?"

I look at my mother. She looks back at me. I look at my sister.

"You have met her," I say.

Samantha looks slightly confused.

"It's me," I continue.


"I just put two and two together not too long ago," I try to explain. "Samantha, we're sister. I had completely blocked out the fact that I had one for so many years."

"Blocked out? Why would you do that?" Tears fill her eyes. She looks at Luna. "Why didn't you tell me I had a sister?"

"It was for her safety. And yours," Mom replies.

"Safety? I don't see how that worked out!"

Luna recoils. I wince.

"Samantha, I hid my pregnancy from Peter the first time around. I couldn't do that with you. He knew I was pregnant. I couldn't lie to him," Luna explains.

I don't understand how she could hide me but not her. Luna answers that.

"When I found out I was pregnant with you, Samantha, he was there. He had a feeling that I was and he wanted to know. With Cara, I was able to hide it because I had left a few weeks before I found out I was pregnant," Luna continues.

"Mom, you hide this from us for years," Samantha says. "Somewhere in her mind, Cara knew she had a sister. I didn't."

Samantha stands from her seat. She paces around the room before stopping by the door. She turns to face us.

"I need time to process this new information," she says before walking out.

I lean into my mother.


I walk out the room. I look around for Mason and my son, Andrew. I find them in the garden of the castle. I barely have time to wipe my tears away when my little boy turns and runs to me.


I sink down to catch him.

"Hi, baby," I reply.

"Momma, why you crying?" He wipes away my tears.

"It's nothing. Mommy is okay," I partially lie.

'You okay?' Mason asks through our mind-link.

I look at him.


He gives me a sympathetic look. I look away. I completely pull away from Andrew. I smile at him.

"I love you."

"I love you too, mommy."

For the rest of the day, I avoid my mother and my so-called sister. I know that I'll have to talk to them eventually but I just need time to comprehend.

"Daddy, why will they hate me?"

My dad looks at me sympathetically. He grabs my small hand into his large one.

"Because, baby, you're different. People hate different. Wolves fear and hate different," he explains.

I looks into his blue eyes.

"Okay," I reply.

"You'll be an omega for now on. No one will know your little secret," daddy says.

I smile and nod.

He made it seem as if he was doing me a favor. In the beginning, it probably was. Peter doomed me that moment: the moment he decided my gate in that pack.

I seat in the bench away from the party. I sob. My father had loved me once upon a time. He changed. I can't even begin to imagine my life if he hadn't. Or if I have had my sister by my side. I was confused. Hurt.

I hear steps beside me. I look to see Cara with tears in her own eyes. She sits beside me. She pulls me in to her. She hugs me and cries with me.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that alone," she whispered to me.

We stayed on that bench for a long time.

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