Sixteen: Who's the Hero Now?

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There was only one route from the Agreste Mansion to the Dupain-Cheng house, and Cat Noir used it to get to Mari's all the time. He swung from building to building in broad daylight, but there was on Marinette. He finally reached her house, and tapped on the trapdoor.

"Mari?" he called.

No response.

"Marinette?!" he called once again.


Sweat dripped from his brow as he started panicking. 

"MARINETTE!?" he bashed his fists against the window/door. He gave up waiting. 
"CATACLYSM!" he called, and broke the latch from the outside. He ripped the window opened and jumped inside. All the lights were off and it was unoccupied. Cat raised an eyebrow as he circled the room. 

"Where are you purrincess?" he sighed under his breath. He sat on Marinette's bed thinking.



Marinette's eyes fluttered open, but her eyes saw only pitch black. 

"Hello Marinette," a deep voice called from no where. Mari tried to stand up, but found her hands were tied behind her back. She fell backwards still lightheaded. Her mind was spinning like it had been hit. 



"So Marinette," Gabriel said, cupping his hand over her cheeks, his finger rubbing her earring.
"Do you want to do this the easy way, or the hard way?" he stared deep into her eyes. 

Marinette to a step back in response.

"Wrong decision," he said approaching her. His palm curled into a fist and he flung his arm at her head, knocking her out cold.


"Gabriel?" Marinette cursed under her breath. 

"What's that?" a clear silhouette could now be made out in the dark room. Marinette knelt on the ground. 'Give me an escape now!' words splurged over and over in her head. Then she remember her bag hanging around her neck. 


How could she warn her about the danger. She had to act. She pretended to stand up and fall. The impact with the ground unclipped the bag. She didn't look straight away, as she was in pain. She soon looked down at the opened bag. Her eyes widened at the sight.

Tikki was gone. 


A woosh of red and black zoomed through the seats of Paris. 

"GRAND MASTER!" Tikki called as she entered a large room. 

"Tikki? Where is Marinette?" the old man stood up. 

"Hawkmoth has kidnapped her, what do we do!?"Tikki screamed, just out of breath. They stood i silence for a moment while the Grand master was in deep thought. He finally broke the silence. 

"Find me Cat Noir!"




-A/N And another cliffhanger! I know it kills me as well. 

Thank you so much! we are almost at 1k reads! WOO!

Thank you to Mishka-adv for being a dedicated reader. Much love. Go check out her books. They are AWESOME! xx

Please follow me, vote and comment if you are enjoying!

Also, who is excited for Troublemaker!? I AM!

Oh and my next book I'm going to write after this book is finished (don't worry, there are plenty of chapters to come) is going to be a Loki x Reader Fanfic. Much love for Loki <3

Mwah 💋

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