I gesture for him to follow me to the couch and sit. The discomfort of doing this is growing as I try to figure out where to start.

"Hey, are you alright?" His deep voice breaks into my inner freak out.

"Yeah. Yep. I'm okay." I rush out, sighing at how ridiculous I'm being. "I wanted to talk to you about the other day."

"Oh. Well, okay then. Let's talk." He shifts on his seat.

"I'd like us to get to know each other too." I decide to tell him flat out.

He stares at me, eyes roaming all over my face as he assesses if I'm being truthful or not. A minute later an ear to ear smile stretchea over his face, his eyes lighting up in joy.

"You're serious?" He beams, nodding my head 'yes' to him as his smiles gets impossibly bigger.

"I want to take it slow, if that's okay? But I'd like to get to know you too. I don't know what it is about you, but I feel safe and alive with you." I tell him truthfully.

"I'll always do my best to keep you safe. We can take it as slow as you want, just seeing each other for now?" He asks quietly, his hand resting on my cheek as his thumb strokes it.

"Just seeing each other for now." I nod in agreement.

"Can we atleast be exclusive? Like not seeing others too?" He asks, looking nervous about his question.

"Of course, you goose!" I laugh at him. No way do I want to see anyone else, and I don't want him to go seeing someone else at the same time. I don't think I could handle that.

Before I get a chance to think, Remy's pulled me up to my feet.

"Aria, will you go on a date with me?" He smiles, happiness shining brightly in his eyes.

Nodding yes, my face matching his as it grows with joy. Before I can process what's going on, Remy hugs me close. Hugging him feels so natural, like he's my matching puzzle piece.

The room suddenly spins as Remy holds me close, twirling us around the room latched together. Our laughter echoing off the walls, probably making Pat wonder what on earth we're doing.

Half an hour later, Remy and I are leaning on each other on the couch. Just asking random questions about one another.

I've learnt Remy loves the colour Blue, his favourite car is a Dodge Charger, he used to love playing games back in school like WoW and Diablo, and he hates the gym even though he's fit.

We agreed that we wouldn't ask questions we aren't willing to answer, but we can refuse to if we want as well. Some things in life are hard to talk about, no matter how long it's been.

"Okay, if you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?" He asks after pondering a moment.

"Somewhere sunny, like Hawaii." I smile, thinking of how nice it looked on Lilo & Stitch.

"Yeah, I think I'll join you." He laughs.

"Don't answer if you don't want to, but why did you originally live on the streets?" I ask a few minutes later.

"No it's okay." He waves me off, taking a moment to think.

"My little brother came out to our parents when he was 18, he had already told me years ago. Now our parents weren't religious or even mean people before all of this, but when he came out they changed. Said him horrible things that made him depressed, and even suicidal at one point." He explains, taking a shuttering breath to calm himself.

"He always just took it, until one day they wouldn't let up on him. I came home to the end of it all, he was yelling back at them before my dad punched him. They through him out after his nose stopped bleeding. I helped him back his stuff, packing mine up with it. We took my car and drove away from our home for good. I dropped him off at a friends place, that I later found out was actually his boyfriend." He laughs at the end.

"So I sold my car and gave him the money, so he could use it towards an education of any sort. Took a little bit to live off then gladly slept on the streets. I made do just fine though." He finishes with a strangely proud smile.

"Holy shit." I breathe out. "Wait, but why didn't you live with your brother?"

"I probably could have, but I didn't want to impose on his happiness after I saw such a change in him. I stayed a week to make sure he was okay then left him to his new life. Gave him money I could spare to help with food when I could. They've been together happily since, I'd hate to be the reason that changed." He smiled at me.

It seems a bit odd, but I guess I get it. You'd do anything for those you care for. It's a shame it happened at all though, but he's certainly got the title of brother of the year.

"Do you see him still?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah, most weeks I catch up with him at his place for lunch. He's doing so good now too, working full time and engaged to his best friend." He says proudly.

"That's great. It's nice he's happy and doing so well too. I'd love to meet him one day." I smile at him.

I never had a sibling, but I'm very protective of Pat. If someone did what Remy's parents did, I'd gladly be street pound again to keep him safe. I can kind of understand wanting to keep people you love safe from pain.

"What about you? If you don't mind my asking."

"Nah, I'm over most of my previous shit." I chuckle humorlessly.

"My parents were abusive drug addicts. Apparently when I was maybe 3 years old my mum had a miscarriage. Turns out my birth did damage to her and she couldn't have kids anymore. So I became the target for their hate." I can't help but smile at the uncontrolled reason why I got targeted.

"So after realising that more kids wasn't possible they started to drink, then smoking, ending with drugs. The hateful glares became hurtful words, ending up with intense beatings. I kept to myself at school, working as much as I could to stay away from home. They took most of my money but I managed to save a small amount. When I graduated high school, I left." I finish, the weight I didn't realise I was carrying lifted slightly.

"Bloody hell Aria. Did you ever hear from them again?" He asks, shock clear on his face.

"Nah, I dropped off the grid pretty easily. I haven't been marked as a missing person though so I'm guess they don't care." I tell him honestly.

When I came to the shelter, I still had my birth certificate with me.  Checking my police and medical history was standard, so they know I'm not missing or ever was sadly.

"We sure have shit parents, at least we don't have to meet the in-laws if things get serious." He smiles, nudging my shoulder.

"Yeah, we sure dodged a bullet there " I chuckle, leaning on his shoulder as I played with his fingers. His other arm around my shoulders, as we just soak up the new information we've learnt.

"So, did tonight make you want to run for the hills?"

"Nah, I think it made me have more respect for you actually. I like that you looked out for your brother, he sounds like he got a well deserved life." I smile up at him, genuinely proud that he made such a sacrifice. "What about you?"

"Nah, you're still a kick ass chick in my eyes. But I hate that you lived through all that." He says sadly.

It feels so nice being able to talk to someone about all this, I might have to talk to Dr Hugh too. I just hope things keep going well between Remy and I.

Deciding not to think about it first, I turn to face Remy and kiss him on the cheek. Right next to those smooth lips.

Judging by the face consuming smile he has, I guess he liked it too.

We Found Love In A Homeless Place《COMPLETE》Where stories live. Discover now