Chapter Eight

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"ID?" The brute at the door demanded as I wait my turn to enter this hell hole. The guy is already eyeing me suspiciously, and for my safety, I'm completely unwired.

Damn me for being noticeably sketchy. Luca is too good at reading people. Now look what I'm caught up in. This is way over my level of deception.

So what if I weasel my way into VIP lounges at high end clubs and underground casinos here and there. So what if I've never been caught cheating at cards and taking loads of cash from elite folks.

It doesn't make me a bad guy.

I hand over one of my fake ID's and raise my arms for a second man to pat me down. I was nervous about it but Luca insisted I'd stand out if I wasn't armed. Fortunately they don't mind the gun on my waist. He wasn't sending me in for sudden death at the doorway after all. I take my ID back with a nod and attempt to step forward but I'm halted.

Fuck! I'm going to die! Shit shit shit! I still haven't taken my granny out for her birthday dinner!

"You're a new buyer, yes?" Dude one asks, his eyes scrutinizing me intensely.  Fuck!

"Yes." I reply cooly, keeping my face stoic. "I heard some talk about some fine looking females to be purchased here, and well, it sparked an interest." I feel sick as I allow myself to smirk like a disgusting piece of shit. This kind of depravity is so far from my comfort zone. If my stomach knots up any tighter, I might throw up. Or shit my pants. Possibly both at the same time.

He sniffs and runs a finger under his nose.  His pupils are blown out.  He's high.  This can either be bad or good.  I'm hoping for the latter.

"Pass code?" He crosses his giant arms over his chest.  Fuck you man.  You're not going to completely intimidate me.  I'm prepared. 

I think...

I chuckle softly.  "You know, I received a code word and wondered if it was an invite to maybe a secret drag show..." I look up and he doesn't seem amused in the slightest.  Fuck okay, dickweed.  "Queens."  Stiff fucker can't even appreciate a little humor.  Maybe I offended him?  Shit! 

He grunts and nods.  "Keep your weapon concealed.  We only accept untraceable wire accounts and cash only payments.  No use of your cell phone.  You do, you die.  Simple as that.  Understood?"

"Understood," I mock salute, "Thanks."  I offer my hand, which he strongly shakes - ouch! Son of a - and I am granted entry.

I constantly have to remind myself to act as natural as possible.  And not like my usual self.  I doubt they have many happy and light hearted customers traipse through here. 

I can't help but notice the plethora of drugs lined out on tables, along with weapons, jewelry, and many other items.  I continue my perusal for a short while when I notice her. 

Amaris looks uncomfortable sitting next to some man.  I can't help but stare at her, hoping she will feel my gaze upon her.  I want her to know we have been trying to find her.  If anything, I just want my eyes to convey that help is coming for her.

After several minutes of staring her down, she finally snaps her eyes up to mine.  Christ that took forever.  I'm sure I looked like an unhinged stalker to some passerby's.

She holds my gaze but something seems off with her.  Recognition is there, of course, but why does she look so... I'm not sure, but her face is twisted up horribly.

Shock?  Anger?  Disgust?  Hell, I'm disgusted I'm even witnessing half of what is going on here.  Shocked to see she seems well and healthy.  And really fucking disgusted that some creep has his hand between her legs when she clearly isn't comfortable.

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