Red Light...(part 1)

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Hey everyone thanks for the view,votes and comments l really appreaciate them.This one goes out to @IWouldBangLou.She's a cool chick you guys should check out her story Don't Forget About Me. lnspiration for this chapter was Red Light by Malese Jow.

Remember to vote/comment.

 New Character Alert!.

Malese Jow will be playing herself in this story as well as in a future story involving one of the boys.Guess wich one?.


Harry's P.O.V.

l was broken.l had no choice.l wanted to run back to her and tell her it was all just a cruel joke but l couldn't.lf l told her,lf l didn't leave her she would be hurt physicaly.l couldn't bare this,l wanted to disappear.The only thing that kept replaying in my head was her face.She was destraught.l had broken her.She gave me her heart and l threw it away.l broke up with the girl l loved just because she was in danger.l hated Sophia Munro with all my being.She maid my life and Sofia's life a living hell.l will never forgive her!.

"Harry,you alright mate?"Liam asked worriedly.

"You all need to believe Sof.Sophia was lying!.She maid me brake up with Sof and said that if I didn't she would end all of our careers and hurt Sof.l can't take this Liam.You should have seen Sof's face.Her face haunts me.l broke her heart and shatterd mine.Just please stop treating her so badly,please"l pleaded.l didn't want Sof to be in so much was enough with what l had done.She didn't need Liam and the girls on her case as well.He looked shocked

"We should go and apologize"he said.

"Why would i apologize to her?"Melissa said coming in.

"Because she was your friend"l yelled at her.

l've been given no choice.They still had a chance to mend things with Sofia,l didn't.l would have to start dating a monster jus to make sure Sof wouldn't get hurt.l wasn't going to allow Sophia to hurt her.l'll tell Sofia why we needed to end.

As much as it pains me...l have to get over Sofia.

Sofia's P.O.V.

Harry are you feeling the same?,cause im not okay,l thought as l looked out the was raining."He said what?".El asked.

"Out of the blue he said we couldn't be together"l said as l turned to her.Some tears escaped even though l tried not to cry.

"Oh,Sofy"Perrie said as she hugged me.

"Why would Harry say that?."Louis asked to himself.

"He doesn't deserve you Sof."Zayn said.

"You should get over him"El said.Get over the person l had fallen for?.l felt empty with out him.l felt alone.l thought there was something more,but did he?,he said we were over.But why?.l thought he loved me.He said it so many times that l believed him.l think this is the part were l get angry and want to forget.

"lf he cared he'd be here."Niall said.

"l'm going to hurt him.Harry is going to have to hear me out."Zayn said angry.

"I will speak for's my time to take a stand.lm not going to be the pathetic person that cries all day.l won't be who they expect me to be.lm going to be happy!"l said liying to my self.Hell maybe l'll go party hit my head and forget all about him.Maybe l'll meet a random stranger and fall for him instead,yup im going to do just that....As if!.

"Sof,you don't have to pretend"Niall said.

"l'm not going to pretend."l started off.

"They'll all know the real me.l'm tired of the's not even worth it im all alone again."l said.

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