17 - I will take her

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"Ofcourse he's hurt. Since you entertaind him and he thought he has a chance then you turn him down like that, considering also the scene earlier, the sunset.. wahhh- you should've just kissed him then ran away after he asked again.. or might as well tell the truth." I told her then she punched my arm- ow. Did I say anything wrong?

"Aish. You watch too much dramas. I'm a girl, i cannot just kiss him like that! and I f I tell him the truth, he will then be angry at PDnim and PDnim might banish me forever, get me back to where I came from and might not see you all again.." she explained, hmm- she's got a point. So what can we really do this moment..

"But if you really like each other - you must say it. I'm sure he'll understand, and if you're worrying about the future, then that's what the both of you needs to work on. You choose to be together then you must think of ways that you can stay together.." I told her, since saying the truth is the only way to not cause any more misunderstandings.

"And with what you said, we must also be prepared for whatever that comes against us..those who'll try to test us.." she added.

"Yes. because love is never free, it always comes with a price. And if you really like that certain person, and you know he or she is worth fighting for, then don't just let it go." I told her, she then sighed and smiled at me, "I wish I'll have the courage when that moment comes.."

I just smiled at her then she let out a grin then ran off and headed to the hotel, it was quite easy to catch up on her but I just let her run ahead of me. When we reached the place, we were laughing and at the same time catching our breaths. I guess she wanted to shake away all those stress in her head, I sent her to her room then I headed to our room. Then Suga and J-hope stood from the bed when I opened the door, "Hey. you kid. You will just hug her after that and you said you will stick to the plan-" Suga exclaimed.

"I comforted her as her close friend, and I made her realize things about her and V and what she must do." I said then I lied down on my bed.

"Wah - so you will give up on her now and help her end up with V? You're an extraodrinary friieeeend.." J-hope said then he sat beside me and taps my shoulder.

'I guess I will, since she likes V and V likes her, and I'm like the third-wheel. I should back out before I look miserbale and just contribute in making this happy ending." I said confidently but honestly, I'm still hoping.. that Minah might like me even a bit. If V won't fight for her anymore after what she said, then I will take her.

Your POV

I'm still abit.. confused to what I will do. Even though what Jungkook said was the right thing to do, I still feel uncertain and afraid. When did I ever became like this ughhhhhh....

Our two days passed swiftly, bts performed the next day because of the location set-up problems but then it was resolved and everything went on smoothly. I got to hang-out with them though I haven't talked to V ever since that sunset. We arrived in seoul about 8pm something and had a short meeting on what will be done in the next few days then we were dismissed. I returned to my place and luckily it just started to rain  -I forgot to close the windows near my bed, if it had rained earlier, then I might be sleeping on the floor now.

After three days (and yes - i'm still problematic about what happened and what will I say to V so I can reply honestly to his confession), the choreogrpaher let me handle their dance rehearsal  but with a different blockings because it will be live streamed. They all seem fine though sometimes I feel a hint of awkwardness when one of them approaches me but V never approached me that day.

After the rehearsal, V then went infront of me first, "I'll be going somewhere really important, I'm going out first. Thank you for assissting us today. Bye." he said then he let out a small bow and left the room. I saw Rapmon and the rest talking suspiciously at the corner so approached them sneakily.

"Hey. what are you guys up to huh?" I said loudly from behind Suga and J-hope then they faced me, hmm what's this..

"Minah-ssi. Don't be mad okay? But you know, since you turned down V, he wanted to get over you quickly because it hurt him a lot.. so.." J-hope explained then stopped and they all stared at each other, "soooooo?" I asked curiously.

"He went to meet Hana-ssi. Since it is a fact 'to get over someone, meet a new one.'" Jungkook replies. What the hell? but she's not a new one! Why is V so quick in making these decisions, I was problematic for almost four days because of his confession and now he'll be dating his.. old friend? ugh.

"I'll be heading out." I said, then I ran outside. I need to catch up to him, realizing he will like someone else because of my cowardice is just unacceptable. I do really like him, then I will fight for him.

I ran out infront of the building then I saw V about to enter the taxi,  I ran towards it but then he already got in. No! I still won't stop. I know I won't get another chance! 

I ran infront of the taxi and I really thought it will hit me, fortunately it stopped and I saw Taehyung's surprised face. He then went out quickly and held my wrist tightly, "what are you doing Minah-"

"I like you!" I told him loudly, interrupting what he was about to say, I stared straight to his wide and surprised eyes.

"I lied to you at the beach because I thought if I told you what I feel, more problems will come and I was very afraid of what might happen in the future-" I continued. he then removed his tight grip on my wrist but was still speechless, then I felt some rain drops on my hair. It was starting to rain.

"But now I don't care if there will be problems and trials ahead, if I will be facing them with you.. what more could I ask for.." I said then felt my knees grow weak, "so please.. don't see Hana-ssi and.. like me again.." I told him and ended my confession like that. Then the rain started pouring but I felt warm.

Taehyung was already embracing me. We stood there under the rain for like.. 5 or 6 minutes, and were startled when the taxi honked. We both laughed then we walked at the sidewalk to let the taxi pass.

"You really have your own way of confessing. it was awesome. As if the sky was rooting for you.." Taehyung said the he places his arm on my shoulder.

"And by the way, who told you I will be seeing Hana? I was only about to see Manager-nim at the cafe.. but I guess I'll just text him I cannot go because of the rain." he added then smiled.






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