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Natsu's POV

"Flowers, car, reservation, scarf.. scarf, scarf, WHERES MY SCARF?! I already have it on.. uh.. I think I've got everything.. the ring... Pocket, pocket, pocket.. WHERE DID I PUT IT?!" I mumbled to myself. My brain was scattered all over the place just like everything I needed for tonight.

"Natsu, are you all right?" Lucy laughed, peeking her head out from the corner of the bathroom.

"Yeah I'm fine! Just- misplaced something.." I stuttered trying to find the ring box.


"Do you need my help?" she laughed again.

"Nope! Found it! Thanks though.." I awkwardly chuckled.

"Alright, you better get your head together. Just relax okay? I'll be done in a sec!" she laughed again. She always saw the better side of things. I jumped up when she finally turned all the way around to finish getting ready. I quietly pulled one of my drawers open and pulled out the box. I slowly opened it and peeked at the glimmering ring. I quickly closed it and gently set it in my pocket.

"Ready?" Lucy asked grabbing her bag.

"Yep! This way my lady," I opened the door down to the main entrance of the apartment house. We stepped outside and the magic vehicle I called for was waiting, and we made our way to our reservation.

Natsu's POV

"This is going to be great Natsu! It's our first real date!" Lucy rambled on.

"I know, I know! But are you sure we're the 'fancy dates' type?" I joked.

"Either way, it'll be fun! And it was your idea in the first place!" she winked, "I'm just teasing ya! You just want to spoil me sometimes right?" Lucy shined her beautiful smile.

It's hard to explain, but I just need to propose to her. To let her know that I love her, and that I want to be with her for the rest of my life. The wedding doesn't have to happen right away, as long as we're together.

Lucy's POV

I looked at Natsu as the magic vehicle pulled up to the restaurant, he looked peaceful.

"Well, here's your stop. Have fun you two!" the driver smiled at us.

"Thank you!" I smiled back. Natsu hopped out before me to meet me on my side of the car.

"This way beautiful," he smirked. I grabbed his arm and we walked into the restaurant.

"My goodness it's so fancy," I said in awe over the beautiful building.

"What are you doing huh? Proposing to me or something?" I joked.

"What, don't be silly!" Natsu laughed awkwardly.

"I was kidding," I laughed back.

"Of course, of course..." he smiled, "This way," he gestured to my seat.

"Special reservation? And flowers!" I exclaimed gently touching the elegant lilies on the table.

"Your favorite right?" he smiled sitting opposite of me.

"You remembered!" I joked, "Thank you Natsu, love them!" I smiled while smelling them.

"Well, you pick what to eat." Natsu said after taking the menus from the silent waiter, "The classic red wine please mercí."

"Bravo my dear sir. French too! You're making me fell like a spoiled girl on her birthday," I teased.

"Well mon amour I thought it would be something cool to pick up," he smiled.

We sat and talked, laughed and ate. We enjoyed each others company and the beautiful red wine. It was all incredibly romantic.

"Mercí for the meal my good sir..." Natsu thanked after paying for the meal.

"Je vous en prie, my dear boy! Good luck you two!" the host waved us goodbye.

"What did he mean by good luck?" I asked clinging to Natsu's arm.

"Who knows.." he trailed off.

"Where to now?"

"This way," he pulled me off to a path near the door to the restaurant.

We stopped eventually at a beautiful pond area with a small bench underneath a blossom tree and a single lamp post. I walked over to the pond and skipped a rock. I stood up and admired the clear night sky. I looked at the countless stars and imagined the Celestial Kingdom and how I'd end up ruling it someday.

I turned around and saw Natsu with his back turned and he was looking at the night sky. He turned to face me, walking closer with a calm smile. He grabbed my chin and kissed me under the stars. The moon lit night under the single lamp, it couldn't have felt more perfect. Until he got down on one knee.

"Lucy.. I know it's pretty soon for this.. And I know neither of us are totally ready, I mean we both still have a lot of learning and growing up to do. But, Lucy Heartfilia, I know you're the one. I love you with every fiber of my being. You've taught me how to live, how to be stronger, you've made me into the person standing in front of you now. So Lucy, will you marry me?"

"Natsu Dragneel," I began as one tear rolled down my warm cheeks, "Of course I'll marry you! There isn't a doubt in my mind!" I exclaimed while dropping to me knees facing Natsu. I kissed him with all my might.

For Better Or For Worse

I Believe In You, I Have Ever Since I Joined The Guild

You're My Princess, And I'm The Dragon, Who Is Supposed To Protect The Princess...

But I'm Not Just A Princess Anymore, I'll Protect The Guild With You, Together.

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