Welcome Back...

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"There you go.." Lucy sighed.

"What?!" the Dragneel children exclaimed.

"No! No, no. Uh-uh! That can't be it!" Nashi exclaimed, now 15 years old.

"Yeah, what about when you guys got married, or what the guild was like when you got pregnant with Levi?" Layla asked.

"Or what it was like when you first started ruling the Dragon Realm and the Celestial Kingdom," Nashi asked.

"Those are all different stories that will be told at a different time," Lucy gently laughed.

"Tell us what was it like when Levi first started to learn magic!" Luke asked. Levi was in his twenties now and Luke had always looked up to him.

"Well when your father was a little younger than Levi, he had become a high rank amongst Fairy Tail's mages. Levi had a lot to look up to, and eventually followed in your father's footsteps," Lucy said.

"What about Luna?" Layla asked. Much like Luke to Levi, Layla was influenced a lot by her older sister Luna, who was now 19 and an S-Class wizard.

Luna worked hard to be like Lucy, strong willed, independent in her magic, and most importantly she made it a goal to love everyone she met. She loved her enemies as much as she could, she loved her work, and her family. Being happy was big to her, it's what made her unstoppable. She had been promoted into S-Class Wizardry when she was 10, beating Levi who got in a year later when he was 13.

Layla wanted to be like her sister so much, she even studied and trained along side her slowly learning Luna's magic as well as her own.

"Luna always works hard and loves unconditionally. That's what's makes her an amazing wizard," Lucy said, not breaking eye contact with her youngest child.

"What was it like when Levi first became an S-Class wizard?" Nobu asked with a mouth full of food.

Natsu, Lucy, Levi, and Luna all worked together on hard S-Class jobs, once Levi had finally been excepted.

"It was difficult, he's just like your father when he was younger. He thinks he's invincible," Lucy smiled.

"What about when you guys went back in time? Was that like an S-Class job?" Luke asked.

"The one we took Luna and Levi on? Yes, it was. They were left there on their own for a good amount of time and they completed their mission perfectly," Lucy answered.

"Aw man! Storytelling without me?!" A sudden, deep voice came from behind the group.

"Levi!!" The Dragneel kids exclaimed as they jumped up and ran to their brother.

"Hey!" Lucy smiled when she saw her husband carrying a rather large bag on his shoulder.

"Hey, how'd everything go?" Natsu said smiling as he kissed his wife. He had been referring to the guild. Natsu, Levi, and Luna went on a 'bonding trip with dad but really we're just doing some side jobs' and left Lucy in charge of the guild. Erza handed the Guild Master job over to Natsu when Luna had just been born.

"Oh fine! The kids just missed you guys. Where's Luna?" Lucy asked.

"Where do you think? We've been home for 5 minutes and she had no contact with Ash for almost a week."

Ash Fullbuster, Gray and Juvia's oldest. Natsu always had a certain fondness for the kid. That was of course was until Ash had a certain fondness for his oldest daughter.

"Cut those two a break, Ash is a good kid. I still don't know what you're so worried about."

"He's a Fullbuster Lucy! You never know what he could be up to!" Natsu exaggerated.

"Hun, Gray is your best friend, you seriously have nothing to worry about."

"I will worry up until he asks for my blessing," Natsu huffed.

"She's 19, Natsu," Lucy smirked.

"We were 19 when I proposed. I like the kid, but until he asks me for her hand, I'm keeping two eyes on him."

"So what you're saying is, you want them to get married, but until he asks for our permission, you don't trust him?" Lucy smiled crossing her arms over her chest.


"You make no sense," Lucy smiled waving him off as she turned around.

"So Momma, can you tell us your other stories?" Layla asked pulling at the hem of Lucy's shirt.

Lucy bent down and grabbed her daughters hands.

"Only if you want me to," Lucy smiled.

"Well I know Luke and I do." Layla laughed.

"Then sometime, I'll tell you more." Lucy kissed the top of Layla's head and stood up.


Luna was sitting across from Natsu, and Ash walked up behind her and leaned over, gently placing his arm around Luna


"What would you call the stories you've told us, Mom?" Nobu asked pushing an empty plate away from him.

"Like if they were put into a book?" Lucy asked. Nobu nodded.

"Hm.." Lucy looked down in thought.


Ash leaned over further and put his head right next to Luna's ear and took a breath in to talk.

Natsu looked up at his daughter and Ash and knew what he was gonna say, because he himself said to the woman he loves 20 years ago.


"Probably..." Lucy began.

"Welcome Back"


There you are! I hope you enjoyed it! I started this book in 2014, and ever since then I've been seeing the activity with my book and it surprises me every time. Because people love it so much, I thought it deserved some revisions. So congratulations! You've just read probably the only good version of this book! It's still not perfect, but I still felt like it deserved more. Thank you for all the love, and enjoying my weird writing!

-The Author

Welcome Back... (NaLu)Where stories live. Discover now