"Bloody hell, you truly are a Mikaelson. Only our lives are that complicated," Rebekah said and Parker raised her cup in salute.

"Tell me more about this new identity of yours," Rebekah said as she refilled Parker's cup. Parker huffed as she sped back to the living room, got her new ID cards and sped back to the kitchen.

"So my new name is Quinn Dame, I took my middle name and my mother's last name. And I am 28. I used to live in Virginia with my two brothers, but now I'm traveling around the world as apart of my spiritual journey!" Parker said as she threw her arms out in a "ta-da" motion. But Rebekah did not seem impressed.

"Spiritual journey? Is that what's popular these days?" Rebekah asked with a disgusted face. Parker was tempted to record a video of it but she rather not overwhelm her millenia old aunt.

"Well, there's kind of something I needed to tell you. So, I'm kind of a...See, I don't handle blood really well and I get super out of control sometimes and-" Parker rambled as she rubbed her arms before Rebekah interrupted her.

"You're a ripper," Rebekah suggested and Parker held her pointer finger and thumb an inch apart to indicate to her Aunt that yeah, maybe she got crazy with bloodlust sometimes. Rebekah put down her glass and circled around the counter, placing her hands on Parker's shoulders.

"Darling, every vampire has different levels of control. You're different, you're a tribrid. There's nothing wrong with you. You're not a freak or a monster just because you can't control yourself. You are still young. You will learn," Rebekah said as she smiled sadly and ran her fingers down Parker's hair.

"An old friend of mine was a ripper and now he only drinks from animals. Ever heard of Jack the Ripper?" Rebekah laughed at Parker's confused face, "That was him. But he's come far. And I know you will too."

"Thanks Aunt Bekah," Parker said and Rebekah hugged her tightly.

"Where is she?!" Came a booming voice as the front door slammed open. Parker and Rebekah jumped apart, Parker ready to attack but Rebekah only rolled her eyes. When Klaus sped into the kitchen, Parker finally got the message. Klaus stopped at the sight of Parker and sighed, looking as if he wanted to hug her but held back.

"Niklaus don't be so dramatic," Rebekah huffed as she crossed her arms.

"Parker, it is nice to see you again," Klaus greeted awkwardly and Parker smiled, looking down at the floor.

"Your darling daughter was just paying her favorite aunt a lovely visit before running off again from danger," Rebekah said and Parker rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Danger? What danger?" Klaus demanded and Parker sighed. It was like dealing with two Aidens now.

"Nothing, I just-" Parker began before Rebekah began explaining.

"Parker is being hunted down by those government people she used to work for. Oh, and the people who killed her mother," At Klaus' widened eyes, Parker shot Rebekah a glare.

"What? How could you not tell me about this?" Klaus said in a loud voice as he walked closer.

"Because it just happened yesterday and it's nothing I can't handle. Trust me, when it's All-Mikaelson-Family-On-Deck, I'll call," Parker insisted and Klaus breathed out tiredly. He looked at her for a moment before squinting.

"You dyed your hair?" He asked and Parker became excited again.

"Yes! That's how I'm dealing with the problem. New identity!," Parker said as she held up her ID card again. Klaus furrowed his brows, eyes flashing over to Parker's shoulder where she knew him and her aunt were having a conversation with the eyes.

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