David held a finger to his mouth, and Ronan teleported to the door and leaned on it so no one could get in. There was another knock.

"David?" I heard Peter's voice on the other side of the door. "Are you in there?"

I could see David clenching his teeth, trying to remain silent. Peter tried the door, but Ronan was pushing against it. After a few moments, I could hear Peter's footsteps becoming distant. We all sighed loudly.

"That would have been hard to explain." David said. "Although, now I'll have to explain why I wasn't in my office when I should have been."

"Just say you were with me or something." I said. "Peter seems to think I'm struggling to deal with life at the moment. He keeps asking me how I'm holding up."

"Well." David said, looking around the room again. "Perhaps he's not wrong."

I laughed. "Thanks, David."

"Perhaps we should discuss what we're going to do next?" Ronan said. "Because I've never even heard of anyone able to control all the elements."

"Not to mention the extra two." David pointed out.

"Yes. And I believe it all started when you passed out the other day. Right, Millie?" Ronan looked at me.

"I think so." I said. "It was after the dream I had."

"I thought you couldn't remember what happened?" David asked.

I pursed my lips together. "Um, yeah, sorry. I lied about that, too."

"Oh." David said.

"What did happen, then?" Ronan asked.

"Well, I was in a small white room at first, with no doors or windows." I began. "So I was trapped. At first I thought there was no way out, but then I realised the walls weren't that solid. I knew it was just a dream, so I managed to punch my way through. I thought that would be the end of it, but then I was in another white room, only bigger. And I wasn't alone. There was a blue blob floating in the middle of the room, and when I went over to it I realised it was ice. But not just a blob of ice- it was the element ice. If that makes sense." I looked at Ronan and David who seemed to understand what I meant by that. I was glad, because I had no idea how to explain it.

"Anyway." I continued. "I could feel a connection to the ice, and almost felt like it were calling to me. I wanted to touch it, but then my attention caught something else. Next to the ice, there was the fire. A blob of flame. I felt a connection to that, too. Then, when I looked around me, I realised that I was stood in the middle of a circle. Around me were nine blobs. Ice, fire, earth, water, air, lightning, metal, darkness and light. I wanted to touch them all. So then, they all merged together into the ice, creating one big ball of... power. It was so strong, but I still reached out to it. And then... then I guess I woke up."

"Well that would explain what just happened." David said. "When I tried to shock you. It didn't work, did it?"

I shook my head. "It did at first- at first I felt the shock, but then all I felt was the electricity. It seemed to overpower the darkness, though, which doesn't really make sense. I mean, I would assume that darkness would be stronger than lightning."

"I have a theory." Ronan said.

"You do?"

"Yes." He said. "So, I think that each of your elements needs to have some kind of initiation. A trigger, of sorts, where it first makes an appearance. When David shocked you, that was the trigger for the lightning element, so it overpowered the Darkness as it manifested itself."

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