Chapter 5: Just your average night out.

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I eventually made my way out of Hades, towards the front door.As I waited patiently for Danny and Will, I raised a cigarette to my mouth and lit the end, taking a deep drag and blowing the smoke out of my nose. 

I watched in amusement as two girls, clearly underage (not that I can say much but still!) began fighting over a guy, who didn't look the least bit interested in either of the orange, slutty girls clinging onto either of his arms.

"Hey bitch! Let go of my man!" This came from the larger of the two girls. She was well, disgusting to look at. Her hair was bleach blonde and backcomed so much you could lose a pen in it! Her make up was orange foundation and barbie pink lips!  Clearly she had as much class as a 50 cent hooker! To make matters worse her dress was so tight her love handles  were clearly visible! Not knowing her name I labled her Slutty Hoe #1.

Slutty hoe #2 was dressed much the same a slutty hoe #1. Her dress failed to cover her arse and the neckline was closer to her belly button than her neck. It made me feel better about myself to be stood next to these two. I couldn't help but laugh when slutty hoe #1 fell on her arse. The guy, who was to say the least, fucking gawjuss, looked over at me laughing, rolled his eyes and continued to try and prise the remaining girl from his arm.  Looking past him to his group of friends who were rolling around with laughter, it was then that I noticed Dan and Will locked in a passionate embrace at the side of the pub. Deciding then that they didn't need me, I quickly sent them a text, saying that I had gone home and we should meet up for coffee in the morning. They would see it eventually.

Having nothing to do with the rest of my night and no desire to go home just yet (I was still pumped from the drugs, alcohol and adrenaline) I called Matt, but unluckily there was no answer. So I being the optomistic person I am, decided to go for a walk and see what happened. Luck was never on my side though, and I admit as far as wondering the streets of L.A in the early hours of the morning goes, it wasn't one of my better ideas.

Turning onto a random alley I began to make up stories in my head to pass the time as I walked. I imagined that I came across a really hot guy (okay okay, I'm picturing Jared Paladeki) and well you can imagine where my thoughts went after that .... in the gutter.

Now having dirty fantasies in your head is all well and good, but not when it means you pay no attention to your surroundings. Deciding this alley was going on longer than I expected I looked up to see a man and woman ahead of me. She was pushed up against the wall and her skirt was shoved up. On closer expection I noticed the woman was sobbing quietly and the man had his arm pressed against her throat.  The blade he was keeping concealed in his sleeve glistened in the light from the street lamp. One word ran through my mind. Fuck.

I wasn't thinking anymore, I just acted. I want to say it was instinct but more likely it was the intoxication.  I charged at the man and threw all of my weight on him, sending him to the floor. Taking advantage of the man's distraction I turned to the girl and screamed at her to run. Mouthing me a quick 'thank you' she took off at full speed and headed for the entrance of the alley. I was about to turn my attention to the man underneath me but it was unnecessary as he chose this point to shove up with all his might. Being naturally petite I was thrown into the opposite wall. Part of me wanted to just lay there and wait for it to be over, but as always my pure stubborness made em ride out the waves of pain and stuggle to my feet.

I knew my mistake instantly. The second I forced myslef to my feet, his eyes twinkled like sinister jewels. "Finally, I got me a fighter. I do hate it when they scream".  HOLY SHIT. 'Well, it's too late to go back now' I thought to myself. now having no prior training in defending myself other than how to use a gun, all I had to work from was late night Buffy The Vampire Slayer marathons, and Supernatural re-runs. Okay, think like Sam and Dean. What would they do? Oh yeah, whip out a gun. ¬_¬ Perfect Ollie, just damn beautiful.

My useless inner babble was cut short though as the fat bald man charged at me once more, knife on full show. Fuck him, a stubborn part of my mind said. Don't show fear. And I didn't. As I dodged his advances, I proceded to goad him.

"What's up honey? Can't find yourself a girlfriend, so you have to get laid by force?"

"ARGH!" ..... That right there laides and gentlemen was his dazzling response. Illiterate twat was bringing down my night. Fuck sake.

At this point I just lost my temper. It was like something snapped inside of me and before my mind really caught up with my actions, I was in control of the knife. It's fair to say  the beefcake (Yes, that's what I named the fat butch man) was stunned into scilence. Good thing too, I think anymore monotone non-words and I may have had to kill him. Smiling a slow predatory smile at him, I'm not ashamed to admit, I searched his pockets and walked away with a nearly full 20 pack of fags and a unopened bottle of Jack Daniels Tennessee whiskey. My favourite. Don't ask me how he fitted that one into his pocket because to this day I have no idea.

I decided to head down to the beach with the marijuana I had accuired in Hades. To say it was the earluy hours in the morning, the air was unusually warm.

I wondered around for a whie until I found the perfect spot. There on the big white cliffs that overlooked the warm clear sea, was a small ledge covered in warm white sand. It had long tufts of green grass that sheilded it frm veiw. The only reason I found it was because I was walking way too clse to the edge of the cliffs and I dropped my bag on the ledge.

I let the cool blackness of the night surround and comfort me as I rolled myself a joint. Sparking up I welcomed the familiar feeling of flying as I pumped my lungs full of the green herb I'm so fond of. As I watched the sun rise, the colours around me changed from rich dark colours that promised to entertain your darkest fantasies of seduction and rebellion, into the bright colours of day, which shined brighter thanks to my recreational drug use. It was breath-taking to witness and in that instant I knew why people did this and why they didn't stop. I no longer felt the need to justify it to myself, because anyone who opposed to this beauty was surely leading a dull life. I also knew that it didn't matter if people judged me, because I could see everything clearer than before. While high, I saw the beauty in everything, and I know that had I been with friends I would have had giggles, but that's okay. We all have our baggage and anyone who opposes to a little laughter in life, well it's their loss.

I felt, in that moment, content with my lot in life and knw everthing woud be okay. Hell everything had turned out great so far!

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