Chapter 2: A whole new world.

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Waking up the next day was to say the least bliss. 11am and no alarm clock. Oh I could get used to this I thought to myself. Making my way downstairs I admired my new home. All I needed now was to bond with the neighbours and make some friends. The cupboards were bare so I headed up stairs to get dressed for the day.

I wore black skinny jeans, a Rolling Stones T-Shirt and Black anckle boots with silver studs and chunky heels. I put lots of band bracletes on my wrists and applied my make up. Thick Black eyeliner with dramatic sweeps pointing to my temples, pale foundation and Red lipstick. I streightened my hair, bangs framing my face nicley. Grabbing my Vans backpack I left for the local Café.

The Café was nice. Pale Blue walls with Red trimming and a nice warm atmosphere. I ordered a Mocha and a Pain eu Chocolat and headed to a table near the back. I dumped my back pack and sipped the warm chocolatey liquid, desperatly needing the caffine. As I took a bite of my Pastry a hand tapped me lightly on my shoulder. I jumped up startled. Up until then I had my ipod on and Hey Monday's How you love me now had been blaring into my ear drums. 

I looked over my shoulder and was plesantly suprised. To say the guy was good looking would be an understatement. He had shaggy Blonde hair that fell into his eyes. And oh! His eyes were a deep Blue. He had high prominant cheeck bones and full lips. His skin was tanned and the tight T-Shirt did nothing to hide the muscles beneath.

"Hi, I'm Matt. I haven't seen you around have I beautiful?" I blushed. Yes as a Princess I was always told how beautiful I looked but Matt is the first person to compliment me as just plain Ollie.

"No you haven't. I'm Ollie, I've just moved in here,I got a place at UCLA" I explained with a smile.

"Oh wow, I'm attending UCLA too. What are you taking?" He seemed genuinley interested.

" Double English, Modern History and Sociology" Matt seemed gob smacked. 

"Jeesshh you must be smart eh?" 

"Not particuarly, I just know how to get what I want" I murmmured with a smirk. I was leaned forward across the table, a flirty smile playing on my lips as I looked up at him through my eyelashes.

"..and wha..what do you want right now?" He stuttered as I dragged my foot up his thigh under the table.

" To know what you are taking" I said with a smirk as I sat back.

He coughed the huskiness from his voice answering with a small smile and a look in his eyes that said "challenge accepted".

"Sports scholarship, I run track and play Baseball"

"Well Matt, are you busy right now? Cause I have to buy a car, then I want to head to the beach"

Okay okay I was showing off a little but I wanted to impress Matt he honestly seemed sweet and gawd, that boy is fiiinnnneee!


3 hours later and we were layed on the beach, the hot skin blearing on my almost naked body. I was tucked in between Matts arm and bare chest and as I watched the sun make its way to the horizon turning the sky pink, I thought back through the last few hours.

After we left the coffee shop, Matt lead the way to the only car dealership in town. I imediatley went to the flashy cars, spending the best part of the money I had left on the Bugatti Veyron. Matt's jaw dropped when I pulled to a stop next to him. He was admiring a Jeep when I stopped in front of him. 

He let out a low whistle when he saw the car.

"How in the name of god did you afford this?" 

"I have my ways" I waggled my eye brows suggestivly.

After a little stare he finally got in the car and directed me to the beach. The sand was white and the ocean so clear I could see fish! Wow. I got really excited because I had never been in the ocean before and so without thinking I jumped out of the car and stripped to my underwear, rinning streight into the water. There were lots of people there, mainly teenagers my own age, or there abouts. But I wasn't paying attention to them as I turned around in time to see Matt stripping off his own T-Shirt. He was staring at me a smirk on his face as I openly checked him out. Its amazing how easily I'm fiting into this 'normal teenager' thing I thought to myself with glee as I watched him take off the faded Blue Jeans he was wearing to reveal ....Batman boxers?!?!? Is he just trying to make me jizz? 

We splashed around in the water for ages, him trying to catch me and dunk me under, while I skillfully avoided his arms. We enjoyed just playing about and getting to know each other. Matt hates cats -he's allergic. Loves sea food and mexican. Thinks Tim Burton is the best thing since sliced bread and wants to be the next James Bond. 

A little while later and we decided to head to the beach bar. Apparently Jim, a rather attractive 40 odd year old barman knew Matt since he served us both a sex on the beach without ID. I took alarge swig of the drink. I have always been able to handle my alcohol, but the look on Matts face when I drank it eagerly was priceless.

"I've never met anyone quite like you" he said as we sat on the stools at the bar watching the gentle waves roll along the shore.

"Aww shucks,you gonna make me blush boy" I said in a fake Southern drawl. He chuckled at my attempt at lightening the mood. 

"Let's dance" Matt said with a nod to Jim who turned up the Ipod dock which was now playing Rob Dougan's clubbed to death. 

I shook my head laughing as my fave song was played. I hopped off my stool and began to sway hips to the beat. Matt joined me and we danced together teasing eachother with just a whisper of skin to skin contact every now and then. By the time the song had finished we had attracted quite a crowd. I just laughed and bowed, as they began to clap. 

"Wow, that was really something" Matt spoke softly. We sat on the sand letting the sun dry our skin off and I put my head against him automatically, like it was the most natral thing in the world.

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