Chapter 4: Sex, Drugs and Rock 'N' Roll.

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The first club we went in, turned out to be the only club we went in. Hades was a large three story building painted entirley in Red on the outside. The que to get in was massive, which was no surprise since Matt informed me this was one of the most exclusive clubs in L.A.  Matt was all prepared to wait in what was sure to be a 3 hour long line. I however was not. My purse had in it 2 forms of illegal I.D. One with my 'Princess' info on and one for just plain Ollie, both stating i'm 18 years of age.

"Hang here for a sec, while I see if I can get us in any quicker" I told Matt, walking off towards the bouncers. I swung my hips a little and laughed to myself when I saw the eyes of the two bouncers trail across my body.  Maybe I can do this without whipping out my Princess I.D.  "Hey there" I drawled out seductivly, winking at the two strapping men in front of me. One audiably gulped, his adams apple bobing as he struggled not stare at my chest. 

"What is it going to take for me and my friend to skip this que?" I asked. What? I'm always streight to the point. I can't help it.

"The only way you and your little friend are skipping this que is if you turn out to be royalty. Get the message sunshine?" The older of the two replyed smirking.

"This is your lucky night then boys" I handed him my fake I.D. "Try not to bow to me, please. I do hate it when the do that" I winked at him. The look on his ace was priceless. He was left speechless, so I took this opporunity to signal to Matt that we had the OK to enter. 

Matt chuckled and placed a hand on my waist as we enetered Hades lair. "I'm not even going to ask how you did that" He said, shaking his head in amusement. 

Inside the club was pure heaven. It was quite obvious why this places was called Hades Lair. The whole place was designed to induce one emotion. Lust. 

The walls were red with fire painted up, reaching high up the walls. There was a massive stage with three poles on it, and dancing around them were three very attractive girls, each one different. One pale, blonde chick that was close to anorexic. A red head with a large chest and a coffee skinned girl with jet black hair and a petite frame. Each girl swung around the pole erotically.  There was also pillars dotted around the room, each reaching different hights. On top of each pillar there was a giant birdcage which also contained a pole dancer. The whole room screamed of sex. From the underwear the dancers wore, to the crowds of people grinding away below. 

This was perfect!! I quickly dragged a flustered looking Matt to the bar, where I ordered us shots of Tequila, Sambuca, Ammaretto and Southern Comfort. 

Swiging one down after the next, I could feel the disticnt effects of the alcohol making me lightheaded. I fucking loved it. I walked over to the dance floor dragging Matt with me. 

I allowed my hips to swing to the beat of the music when some guy asked me to dance. I looked up to find a tall handsome man with short cropped hair and tattoos.He was good looking in a Jensen Ackles sort of way. Placing my hand on his shoulders, I stood with one leg inbetween his as we swayed our hips together. He had his hands on my waist. 

Soon we were grinding up against each other, a thin layer of sweat coating me and everyone else crammed onto the dancefloor. 

The guy I had been grinding against, refused to let go of my waist after the song ended. 

"Hey, I'm Gregg, can I buy you a drink beautiful? Or maybe something stronger than alcohol?"

I looked up at Gregg curiously. Some how, I knew he wouldn't hurt me. I guess I've always been good at judging people, its the little things you know. Like the fact that he was holding my gaze despite the gentle blush that stained his masculine cheeks pink, or the way he said 'beautiful' instead of 'sexy' or 'babe'.

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