"I did get you a present, but I am saving it for later." Dad kissed my forehead. "Why don't we clear out and let Hope talk to Karsen." I shook my head in a panic.

"No, I want to talk to Kidd."

Karsen raised an eyebrow but followed everyone out of the room. It wouldn't take her long to understand why I was emotional or why I wanted to speak to Kidd out of everyone.

Kidd fiddled with the black bracelet on his wrist waiting for me to say something.

"I know I shouldn't be missing him, but I am." I sniffled. "I thought it was going to be easy to forget him."

Kidd ran a black fingernail across his lip. "It's never easy."

It wasn't easy, but that wasn't what I was looking for. I wanted the truth.

"How long has he been fooling around with Audrey?" I wiped at my eyes, a new batch of tears welling up. "I don't know if you know this, but I saw them at the festival. He was kissing her. So you don't have to cover for him."

Kidd shrugged. "I wouldn't know."

I slammed a hand down on the table. "Just be honest."

A silence fell between us. And Kidd caught my gaze; he pursed his lips and finally said something. "It's been weeks. Before you got back from school, Audrey's been hanging around for some time."

The stomach-churning reaction rose. My hands turned hot and cold, and I felt like I wasn't there anymore. Kidd tried to stand, but I stopped him.

"Why did he sleep with me again? Why didn't he just break things off between us? We talked the entire time I was gone, every day. He could have just let it be, and I would have learned to do without him. I came back excited for more; he said he couldn't wait to see me." My heart ached, like a hot ember searing away my insides.

"Because he's Slade, he doesn't think." Kidd stood up. "He's an idiot. And if there is anything else you want to know talk to him. I don't want to be a part of this. He's a big idiot, and he doesn't think, Hope." Kidd took off out the door like his pants were on fire. His anger lingered in the room after he left.

I watched him head across the beach.

"Everything okay," Karsen asked, coming to stand beside me. She followed my gaze. "Why is he leaving?"

"I asked him about Slade, and he stormed out." I shrugged, turning to Karsen. She looked into my eyes. Her own filled with unease "I told him I saw Slade kissing Audrey. And I asked how long it been going on. Maybe it wasn't my place to ask Kidd, but I wanted to know."

Karsen didn't speak. She shook her head, listening to me explain.

"He said it's been going on before I even got back." I let out an overwhelmed laugh. Karsen pulled me to her and wrapped her arms around me.

"You don't need him." She smoothed my hair. "I'm so sorry you found this out on your birthday."

I shrugged. "It's just a birthday. I have been miserable for days. And there is something else I need to tell you, Karsen."

Karsen was confused. She raised an eyebrow. I pulled her out the door, and we started walking toward the water where we would have privacy.

The sand and shells poked at my bare feet. I knew it was now or never. I needed to share my secret with someone. So I didn't feel alone in my chaos.

We sat down near the water.

I looked at Karsen and let out an anxious sigh. "After you went home last summer something happened to me."

Karsen's eyes grew as round as saucers. She blinked several times, tucking a tuft of hair behind her ear and angled her body toward me, so she could look at me head on.

"Well..." I wasn't sure how to tell her.

Karsen's stared at me puzzled. "Since when is it hard to tell me anything?"

"Well aren't you going to say something?" she pushed.

I didn't think telling Karsen I was forever indebted to Slade would be such a difficult thing. I knew there would be a supernatural tie between myself and black magic forever, but Hutch promised it could be broken. And that's what I wanted. Maybe telling Karsen wasn't the right thing to do until I figured out how to fix things.

I looked at her confused expression. "Let's postpone this conversation until another time. I promise you I am alright." It was the right thing to do.

Karsen sighed irritated with me. "Alright fine, but if I find out it was something major. I might just kill you. Let's get you ready for your birthday dinner."

I sighed. "Where is this happening?" I hated surprises of any kind.

Twisted Magic (Book 2 of the Ink Series)Where stories live. Discover now