"I have always wanted a giant stuffed animal," I informed Hutch holding tight to the big bear. I couldn't see where I was going; I was walking in hopes of not bumping into anyone. My chin fought against the fur of my new pal.

Hutch pried the bear from my grip slinging him over his shoulder.

"Glad you got what you wanted. And happy to see you smiling," he said. We caught each other's pleased gazes for a split second lost in the moment. However, that was forgotten quickly.

I almost slammed into Slade.

"What are you doing here?" I blurted, stopping before I stepped on his feet.

Slade looked between me and Hutch, Audrey and Erica came to stand on both sides of him, Audrey for once with nothing to say, she just stared me down in silence. "My sister asked me to come with her to the carnival." He concentrated on me now. I avoided his stare down, jerking my head away.

Hutch extended a hand to Slade. "I'm Hutch."

Slade accepted, catching me off guard with his coolness. "Slade, and this is Erica my sister and Audrey her friend." He shot me another look as he established Audrey's place in his life.

Hutch waved at the two of them. "Nice to meet you, how long has Cherry been having the festival by the boardwalk?" He made conversation; it was weird to see him cool as a cucumber around my old boyfriend. But he was and it was admirable.

I pulled at my earlobes, I could hear it clear as day. Slade's voice, he was talking to me. I spun around. He was talking to Hutch, smiling a cool even smile.

"I got your letter. I guess I agree with the most of it. Just wish you would trust me. And what's with this guy?" His word echoed through my mind, blotting out the passing people, even making the music and voices nothing but a jumbled mess.

"Focus, if you focus you can do the same thing too. This is the only way I can speak to you without Audrey overhearing anything."

I shook my head again even harder, trying to dislodge his words; the sight of Audrey made me not care about anything Slade needed to say. I closed my eyes. Leave me alone, Slade. And when you're ready to get rid of her we will have something to talk about.

I came back over to Hutch and Slade. I took Hutch by the arm, gaining his attention. "Let's go on the Ferris wheel."

Hutch nodded. He said good-bye to Slade and followed me far away from all of them.

"I don't get it," I said once we walked away from all of them. "He was talking to me while he was talking to you."

Hutch paid for the tickets. "That wouldn't be surprising considering," he looked at the couple behind us keeping our secret just that—a secret.

"But why now, he's never done it before." I followed Hutch to the line for the Ferris wheel. He handed over the stuffed bear to the attendant.

"I think you should ask yourself that." Hutch ran a hand over the stubble on his chin.

"He said it was the only way he could speak to me without Audrey overhearing." And it dawned on me. Everything was happening was on purpose, but not because Slade was trying to hurt me. He was trying to protect me—from Audrey.

I closed my eyes. I don't need protection. I can take care of myself.

But, there was no response. Slade wasn't answering back this time. Hutch helped me into one of the seats of the Ferris wheel. Everything was like a dream.

He locked the lap belt on his side securing us in place and after a few minutes, the ride jerked to life, and off we went. I stared down at the twinkling lights and people underneath them.

I gasped, tears stinging my eyes. Audrey wrapped her hands around Slade's neck. She dropped her head back. Slade kissed her neck, and then I saw it. The two of them sharing a kiss, one that Slade looked just as invested in, a kiss that made my stomach ache and anger course my veins.

I gripped the belt. Hutch grabbed my arm keeping me in place before I spilled over and plummeted to my death. His fingers stroked the stark white knuckles on my hand.

"He's confused," Hutch insisted.

I huffed. "His tongue doesn't look confused." Slade's hand traveled down to Audrey's blue jean shorts. He squeezed her backside.

"He's indebted to them, Doll. I tried explaining this to you just the other day. He doesn't know what he's doing. He's trying to save face. He's trying to please them, so he can be happy." Hutch pulled my hand from the belt and placed it in his lap. He tugged me by the chin, so I would look at him.

I blinked back the tears ready to spill out. "It doesn't matter, because I don't care anymore." I looked away.

Slade didn't care about me. The proof was right in front of me. I felt small. I felt wounded, and nauseous.

Twisted Magic (Book 2 of the Ink Series)Where stories live. Discover now