I dodged the man about to smash into me, yanking Karsen out of the way. Her eyes glued to Kidd playing backup.

"They are so hot," she gushed, clutching her chest. She watched her man move to the beat of the music. He pulled the black Fedora hat from his head sending it loose into the audience. A screaming girl caught it.

"That was my favorite hat," Karsen whined, watching the girl dance around with Kidd's hat on her head.

"I'm sure he has more."

Slade stood on the speaker, extending the microphone to the crowd. He raised his hands in the air, igniting the crowd into a roar of celebration. I smiled. He leaned forward; chaos ensued. A throng of girls battled to touch him. They tugged on his hand, but he stayed planted, singing along to the lyrics giving the crowd what they wanted—him.

The band finished, taking their break. Karsen and I headed back to the Rv. I was a little nervous. We slipped through the crowd.

I was disturbed to see Audrey hanging on Slade's arm praising him on his great performance.

Karsen stopped walking and tugged me close, nose to nose with me. "We can leave. I will leave right now...Kidd will understand."

I shook my head refusing to give in to Audrey anymore. "No, I'm going to say hi. Tell him what a great job he did."

Everyone's attention immediately fell on me.

"Great job, love the new song," I told him, giving a little wave. He pushed Audrey away from him, his eyes a bit alarmed to see me standing before him. He bit down on his bottom lip checking me out. It was obvious.

Audrey crossed her arms glaring at me.

Kidd wrapped his arm around Karsen kissing her head. "Glad you came, sex kitten, and you too, Hope."

I smiled at Kidd. "Thanks, Kidd. You guys still are great."

Slade was now standing before me. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

I looked at him and gave a shrug. "It was sort of a spur-of-the-moment thing. You did great, by the way."

He slipped his hat from his head smoothing back his dark hair and planted it on my head. I smiled, he tugged me close and kissed me, his hand cradling the back of my head.

"That wasn't what I was expecting, but thank you." I smirked, enchanted by him.

Slade stared me down. I couldn't tell what he was thinking without a view of his eyes. I pulled off his aviators and slipped them on, giving him a teasing smile.

He stroked my mouth with his fingers, "still mad at me?"

I bit my lip trying to decide if I was. "It's hard to stay mad at you when you're so hot."

He smiled, playing with his lip ring knowing what it did to just about every girl on the planet.

"Nothing happened. I promise you there is nothing going on between her and I. She isn't making things easy that's for sure." He pressed his forehead against mine. "Things have been crazy dealing with the coven and Audrey. I wanted to explain things to you earlier, but I also knew how pissed you were."

I touched his face alarmed. "What do you mean?"

Slade shook his head trying to act like the hero and keep the truth—whatever it was from me. "She's not so easy to get rid of. And it's hard to try when she is the daughter of the man I owe my life too."

I looked away; there she stood eyes glued to Slade as he tried explaining the issues at hand. I brought my attention back to him. "It's Ezra all over again. Only difference, Ezra was dead and Audrey is alive and kicking."

Twisted Magic (Book 2 of the Ink Series)Where stories live. Discover now