It was unhealthy the amount of revulsion coursing through my veins for her. I didn't understand why I was the only one who saw the wickedness in her. It clung to her, why was I the only one who saw it?

With my final song coming to an end Audrey dropped down from her stool and wove herself through the crowd until she was standing in front of me, not too far away from Hutch. I shot Slade a confused look wanting to know why she felt the need to stalk me.

Slade shook his head, staying where he was doing zero to save me from Audrey's presence. Moe rested his guitar against his seat and let me know he was taking a restroom and cigarette break.

"Great job. I totally see the connection now," Audrey said, resting her hands on the stage floor. She leaned close a scheming smile on her face.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said, ignoring her and settling on a staring contest with Hutch while patrons shifted around the room getting new cups of coffee before the encore performance.

"Slade said there was some sort of accident at your house last week; I hope everything is okay." She laid it on thick making me want to spit nails—in her face. I wasn't going to play nice with Audrey anymore. If she wanted to get under my skin, I was going to make it easier said than done.

"Look, I don't like you, and you don't like me, so why don't you turn around and go talk to somebody who cares about what you have to say." I snapped. I glared at Slade and the rest of them too. I was tired of having to be the only one fighting with Audrey while they played nice with her or tried to ignore her.

"I want your help with something. And then I'll happily play with Karsen after. She loves hanging out with me." She glared back, her blue eyes slicing into me with impatience and rage.

"Help with what," I asked, incensed the girl had nerve. "I don't want to do anything for you."

"It's for the coven, the one you're part of," she said under her breath so nobody could hear. She narrowed her eyes. "You don't want to upset them. Bad things could happen. Things you could never imagine."

"Like the pentagram in my house right? You had something to do with it?" I demanded an answer. Just so I knew I wasn't crazy for thinking the worst.

"Anybody could have been responsible for that. I have no idea what you're talking about."

I looked away. "What do you want me to do? I don't know any spells."

"I just want you to sing, of course after you take this," she shoved a dark stone in my hand. I slipped it in my pocket pretending it never happened. "And I will do the rest."

"What is this going to do?" I fidgeted with the microphone; Moe took his place next to me.

"Just sing." She swiped her hands together, shooting me a sweet smile and took her seat, watching me.

My hands trembled. This was what I didn't want. I didn't want to be a part of anything evil. What was she going to do with these people? My eyes fell on Hutch, an innocent guy who didn't deserve whatever Audrey was planning. He watched me sing, concern showing all over his face. He knew something was wrong. I wasn't sure how he picked up on it, but he did.

I stopped singing, ignored the crowds over enthusiastic cheers. Audrey clapped along with them. She smiled bigger at me, heading out of the café. I shoved the microphone in Moe's hand and left before he could say to me way to go.

Slade grabbed me by the arm before I escaped into the back room. "I need to talk to you. Are you mad at me again?"

I pulled away, backing up. "I thought you said you would take care of Audrey, Slade."

He drug a hand through his hair. "I'm trying. I told her to stay away from you. But when she wants something there really isn't much you can do to stop her. She's a...witch." He looked over his shoulder verifying nobody heard us.

I just felt awful. "What have I done?"

"I'm not sure." He said dodging my stare.

I shoved the stone into his chest; he covered it with his hand. "She wanted to influence these people. And I was forced to go along with it because I am smart enough to realize she has severe issues me and my family do not need to be a part of. Look what happened already." I was on a rant, and I wasn't sure if it was going to end soon, or if I was going to end it by knocking Audrey's block off.

"It's hard to know what her plans are I could talk to them. See if there is anything I can do to stop whatever Audrey is planning." Slade's expression changed. "Or them."

"I'd do that. Because my friend, Kidd's girlfriend, was here tonight, and if anything happens to her, I will find a way to make her pay. And I don't care what any of you think." I stomped down the hall and slammed the door to the backroom where Clive's staff kept their belongings. I grabbed my purse going for the door in a hurry to get the hell out of the café. Slade was gone, not sticking around to take any more of my abuse, I was sure.

I shoved pasted the door and stalked through the hallway, right into the arms of Hutch. He took me by the elbows. "Whoa."

I twisted out of his grasp. "Just let me go, will you?"

"No. I'm not going to let you leave. You're upset." He insisted, staring down at my heated expression.

"Me being upset has nothing to do with you. I'm not your concern," I informed him, could this guy ever take a hint?

"Would you just talk to me?" He released his grip, backing away to let me see he wasn't trying to keep me there. He just wanted a few minutes to say whatever it was he needed to say.

I grumbled. "Fine, you can walk me home. But once I am there you leave, Hutch." I started out the door of the café, moving past the crowd hanging around the boardwalk.

The wind irritated my skin, nipping at my already heated face. Hutch grabbed my wrist bringing me to a stop. "I'll accept those terms if you walk at a leisurely pace, so I can get a word in."

I scoffed, laughing at his odd vernacular. "It's 2012, nobody says leisurely pace anymore."

Hutch shook his head, taking my abuse. "Thanks for that. Now are you ready to listen?"

I nodded. I didn't have anything else to do on the walk home. I feared if I didn't have something to take my mind off of Audrey, I would find her and set her on fire as I dangled her over the ocean.

Twisted Magic (Book 2 of the Ink Series)Where stories live. Discover now