I waved my hand, wider this time like a composer of some glorious musical. This was fun. I stood, my eyes on the cup, I dusted the sand from my shorts. The waves crashed, aggravating my other senses, but nothing could take away the magic. I moved closer to the water guiding the cup along. Just when it was over the water, I told myself I would try something bolder. I closed my eyes, my heart crashing in my chest.

"Fire," I whispered. I closed my eyes, dropping my head. My hand still suspended my finger outstretched willing the cup to hover and go up in flames. I opened my eyes and squealed with joy. An orange flame ignited. I guided the cup, turning on my heels. I froze in terror when I laid eyes on Hutch. He started toward me. I wasn't sure, how long he was watching, but now he was coming my way.

The cup hissed and floated away in the water. But, that couldn't get rid of my mortification that he saw me do something no human being could explain.

"On the beach all alone," he said, he dropped his hands deep into the pockets of his shorts and rocked back on his heels a mischievous grin gracing his lips. He looked from me to the water never letting me figure out if he was on to me.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked, ignoring his comment.

"Not long, but long enough to see it was you. I was out for a walk, never expected to run into you here." He cocked his head to one side, studying my stark white expression.

"Oh." Oh was right. I didn't know what the next step was. Did I run for the hills, did I beg him not to tell anyone? Or maybe I came right out and asked him if he saw me levitate a milkshake and set it on fire. I decided all options were not acceptable. He seemed smart enough, if he was, he would blow it off. He would tell his brain there was no possible way and leave it at that.

"Actually, I was meeting a friend for a movie and fattening dairy, but something came up." I sighed, sitting down in the sand again.

The wind picked up crawling through my hair. Hutch took the spot next to me on the desolate beach. "You know, if they found us out here right now we might get arrested."

I smirked at him. "Not in California, maybe other states, but California is like a 24-7 beach party."

Hutch nodded. "I suppose you're right. The thought of it sounded a bit exciting though, a cell, the steel bars, begging for our freedom."

I laughed at his exaggeration. "Clearly it wouldn't be that much fun."

"I wouldn't know, not a criminal like I told you the other day when you accused me," he said, his eyebrows lifted, he watched my expression. He was teasing me, and it was hilarious to him. His eyes glistened with amusement. He lost it, dropping back in the sand and busted a gut.

I turned to get a better look at him. His perfect teeth gleaming against the moonlight as he laughed at me, he was filled with energy, and I wasn't. I envied him.

"I am amazed. I didn't realize you were your own biggest fan." I shook my head in disbelief. He sat up, the laughter fading fast.

"You're so easy," he said, he corrected himself. "Easy to poke at."

"I will have you know I am not easy, and I wouldn't let you poke me with anything." I teased, flashing him a big smile.

"Is that so? I believe I poked you with my finger already. And I quite easily slipped my arm around you a few minutes ago. And I sat next to you in the booth, and I now know your skin is unbelievably soft." He smirked.

I was astonished.

"And" he looked between us to where his hand was resting on my thigh. "If you look down, you will see my hand found a resting place without you even batting an eyelash."

My eyes widened in shock, he had his hands all over me, and I didn't even realize—well maybe not all over me, but he was proving to be more talented by the minute.

"I hadn't even realized. Maybe I should call the police, Mr. Touchy feely."

"Maybe, or perhaps you're just comfortable with me." He shrugged, staring at his hand. He took my wrist, studying the heart again. His expression growing serious and everything fell quiet.

"Why are you always staring at my tattoo?" I asked. He looked up, drawing in his bottom lip. I raised an eyebrow, he wanted to say something.

"I saw this somewhere before. I can't remember where exactly, but I saw it before."

"It's just a heart." I told him, pulling my arm away. "A stupid heart."

He leaned to the side and pulled out his cell phone. His fingers grazed the display, back and forth over and over until he said, "Here."

He shoved the phone at me. I stared at the screen, my stomach sick at the words glowing back at me.

This heart found in books of black magic dated as far back as fifteen hundred years, I read. Our eyes connected, I looked away panicked. I jumped up.

"I have to go," I said, hurrying across the sand. The wind howled in my ears as I hurried to get away from Hutch and his accusing eyes. I felt like a criminal.

"Hope, I get it. It's a stupid tattoo. You don't have to leave." He shouted after me. I ignored him, unable to believe him. If he knew the truth, he wouldn't be so quick to say such a thing.

Twisted Magic (Book 2 of the Ink Series)Where stories live. Discover now