His eyebrows raise as he sips his drink. When his drink lightly hits the table he asks, "Is that so?" Damon then pushes his body forward, his icy blue eyes focusing on mine in an attempt to compel me, "Enlighten me."

I hold back a laugh but go along with it, pretending to be mesmerized by the compulsion with a dreamlike voice, "I take back what I said about us being similar. The difference between me and you is that I am not as daft unlike you."

Damon's face scrunches up at my response, confusion written all over it when he hears my 'compelled' answer.

The laugh I have been holding in finally escapes, "You actually thought I was human? Can't say I'm not offended."

His body turns rigid as he looks at me with a skeptical look, "Who are you and what do you want?"

"The name is Alexia. Right now, I just want to drink Bourbon with some good company. Does this include you, Damon?" As I say this, I take a big sip of my drink, the edges of my lips tugging upwards.

He asks, still unsure of my presence, "What are you doing here?"

I do not blame him for this, considering he is on the defense with the other Originals in town. "You don't have to worry, I am not here to cause harm but rather to look into a few things."

His icy eyes narrow, analyzing my presence before they relax as his lips settle into his signature smirk, "Just because I don't trust you doesn't mean I can't enjoy another glass of Bourbon at my place."

Instead of replying, I finish my drink and push my stool back to stand up. Damon soon follows suit and makes his way across the Grill towards the exit while my feet mirror his from behind.

I, of course, already know the location of the Salvatore Boarding house but follow the older brother to his car. I admire the blue Chevy before hopping in.

Soon enough, we arrive at the large house and walk inside in silence. The house is empty, making me raise an eyebrow. "Big home and no one else here to fill it?"

I continue to play dumb as he rolls his eyes as we walk into the living room. He goes to pour us another glass of Bourbon, "Little brother is off with his girl."

Damon hands me the glass that I raise to my lips immediately, "You don't approve of the girl?" His eyes stray as he stays silent. I chuckle as I speak again, "Oh, you want the girl." He looks uncomfortable with my words, signaling that I am right. "That must be hard watching her off with another guy, no less your younger brother."

I can tell the subject matter us a sensitive topic as he grips his glass tightly, "I know she feels it too, but she won't leave Stefan and not for me."

My legs make their way over to him so I can place a comforting hand on his shoulder, knowing what it's like to be terrorized by love. "The only thing you can do without hurting your chances is to be there for her as a friend and wait for her to come to terms with her feelings."

His blue eyes travel to my hand on his arm back up to my face, "You know, for someone I shouldn't trust at all, you're making it very hard."

And that is exactly what I want to hear. I continue on, my tone changing slightly, "Although now that I think about it, a little jealousy is good and won't hurt anyone." My voice is playful as I place my drink down on the table. Damon pauses for a short moment before doing the same.

A second later, his body flashes towards me like lightening as his lips press intensely against mine. I pretend his lips belong to another as I pull his body closer, leaving no space between us.

He pushes me against a nearby wall, shaking the paintings hanging from it. I lose my leather jacket as I slowly bite down on his lip, pulling away with my eyes clouded with lust. My hands slip under his jacket, taking his off as well.

We then flash to another wall near the stairs, loosing our shirts and shoes in the process. Our lips burn passionately as they mold together .

We continue making out, my fingers weaving through his dark locks as his run along my bare lower back, sending tingles down to my toes.

His hands wander to below my hips, urging me to jump us as he picks me up. I quickly respond as I securely wrap by legs around his waist. He moves us to his room, ripping off my pants and leaving us both in our underwear. His lips leave kisses all up and down my neck, not missing a spot, which would leave me breathless if I was human. 

I pull back for a moment to stare into his eyes, hoping that it was a certain redheads instead but shake the thought away. My lips curl upwards as I lean in again, causing us to fall back onto the bed.


I awake a couple hours later to an empty bed. I listen in to hear Damon downstairs talking to some people.

"Hello, brother." Damon playfully says.

There is a pause before the younger Salvatore replies, "Uh huh...fun night, Damon?" I hear some ruffling and assume he picks up an article of clothing, one that we left behind earlier. 

A scoff emits from a feminine figure, "Classy, Damon." I immediately recognize the voice as the doppelgänger of my former friends, Elena, and she doesn't sound happy.

More ruffling is heard as Damon says, "Bet she wants those back." His footsteps grow louder as he makes his way upstairs, back to the bedroom and away from the lovebirds.

He throws my purple tank top at me, so I get out from bed to find my underwear. I put them on, slipping on the tank top on as well. Damon walks around shirtless, only in a clean pair of jeans. "I told you a little jealousy helps." I refer to the tone of Elena's voice because it's obvious she's at least somewhat jealous. 

His eyes flicker to mine, looking at me up and down, "I can't deny that, or the fun time we had."

My smile is flirty as I walk over to him to lean in close, "Too bad you don't trust me." He grunts quietly in response as I start to walk away to descent the stairs with him following close behind. 

Elena and Stefan's eyes curiously follow my figure as I walk around with a prominent smirk on my face as I put on the rest of my clothes, yet no one speaks a word.

I walk towards the door to leave but stop, "Don't worry, I won't feed on too many locals."

With that I leave and hear Elena question harshly, "She's a vampire too?"

Stefan also asks Damon a question, "What is she up to? Most vampires who come to town end up causing some type of trouble."

Damon replies to the pair, "Don't know and don't care. With the Original family in town, everyone else seems innocent." As their voices become out of earshot, I think to how wrong Damon is. 

I feel empowered and can't help but enjoy this feeling of manipulating and surprising people, no matter how much I've changed. The only difference now is that my intentions are to make the world better, meaning ridding the world of Niklaus. 

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