Summer Vacation

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I forced myself to believe I was wrong. The entire crew of Evil Kings of Ink wouldn't have just abandoned their home and taken off.

I stood, letting out an annoyed sigh. I decided to head back to Dads instead of hanging around some deserted stomping ground.

Each footstep toward the house made the ball of stress in my stomach that more obvious. I needed to know he was alright.

Dad was toweling his damp hair as I made it back into the kitchen, my miserable expression catching him off guard.

"You're here for ten minutes, and you're already sad and depressed?" He opened the cupboards looking for something.

I sighed. It wasn't like me to share my disheartening woes with the world. Nevertheless, I missed Slade terribly while I was away. We talked on the phone every day, but the idea he wasn't waiting in Cherry for me to return made my stomach ache.

He was the only thing that mattered. Sure Dad meant a lot to me, and Karsen, but when you fell for that special person, it was hard to see anyone else but them.

"I just thought he would be here when I got back."

The instant exhale of air told me Dad was uncomfortable with the topic. He brought his hand up pretending to check the time.

"Have you seen much of Slade while I've been away, Dad?"

Dad gave me the come-on-you-can't-be-serious expression.

"Dad it's not like I asked you to spy on him. I just want to know if you have seen him."

Dad shook his head, grabbing his keys from the counter. "No, I have not seen much of Slade. He's not exactly the friendly type without you around. And I am not fond of death metal, so we haven't hung out much."

I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm. And realized he was leaving. I raised an eyebrow.

"I promised to meet Lynette for lunch." He kissed my cheek. Searching my eyes for disgust or something, I wasn't sure what. "You can visit Nona while I'm gone."

I couldn't believe Dad was still dating Lynette after everything I had been through because of Tucker. I swallowed the resentment.

"It's fine. I have to pick up Karsen at the airport in a couple of hours. I'll stop at the grocery store." I smiled, heading to my room before I burst into tears. Not only did Slade abandon me, now Dad was leaving me for his girlfriend.

I climbed into bed curling into a ball and buried my face into my pillow.

Before I knew it, I drifted off into a comfortable catnap, oblivious to the time. It wasn't until my phone was ringing that I awoke from my sleep.

I searched for it on the end table. "Hello?"

"You're a dirty bitch," Karsen shouted in my ear. "I ask you to do one thing, and you fail."

I sat up, running a hand through my hair still discombobulated. "I'm so sorry, Karsen." I winced at the time. I was late.

"Your excuse better be good. And I mean earth-shattering. Like, I don't know an alien abduction."

I swallowed, trying to come up with something. "I fell asleep."

Karsen hung up. I groaned. The first day home was not turning out the way I planned it. I dropped my feet to the floor. There was pounding on the kitchen door.

"I'm coming!" I shouted, hurrying down the hallway. I pulled the door open, shocked to see Karsen and Kidd standing before me.

I let Karsen and Kidd inside. Handing over bottles of diet soda—it was the only thing in the house at the moment. Finally, there was hope. Now that Kidd was in front of me, I knew I could get some kind of answer about Slade.

Twisted Magic (Book 2 of the Ink Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant