38. - "I want him dead"

Comenzar desde el principio

Namjoon's lip twitched as he looked at your plate.
"You should eat that. It's not healthy to starve yourself."

"Since when do you care?", you scoffed.
"Last time I checked, you're the one that switched sides here."

"So did you", he replied and kneeled down to your eye-level.

"That's different", you argued.
"I did it because none of you believed in Jimin anymore. So I had to take care of things on my own."

Namjoon's expression remained unchanged as he spoke: "Taking care of things on your own isn't what we do in Bangtan."

"Then you made a mistake. So did Taehyung by coming to get me that night", you sighed.

"I hope you don't blame him too much for that."

"I don't. Not anymore", you muttered.
"I'm only sorry about what happened to Jungkook."

Namjoon fell silent for as long as it had taken you to realize that you had spoken to him more than intended.

"Why did you come here? Do you need something?", you asked prudely.

Namjoon shifted a bit and placed his hands on his knees as he kneeled in front of you.
"I wanted to explain myself, if you let me."
He was thoughtfully looking at your food plate.

"What is there to explain?", you scoffed.

"I didn't betray Bangtan... and I'm not planning on letting you or Jimin get hurt", he spoke and reverted his gaze to you.

You rolled your eyes and attempted to look away before he spoke again.

"Listen, I'm not working against Bangtan. I'm doing this to save them", he repeated.

"Bangtan can save themselves", you spat.
"They're strong. They learned to get stronger after you left them."

"Not against Hongbin", Namjoon muttered, followed by a headshake.

You watched him ruffle through his dyed hair. He had a leather jacket and was wearing a bandana which he hadn't done so often before. It looked like everything about him had changed.

"But why are you working for him then?", you mumbled.

Namjoon took a look around before continuing.
"Please let me explain it to you."

Hesitantly, you scanned him. He seemed pretty similar to before, only that his expression was more serious than usual. It reminded you of the change Jimin had gone through after suddenly switching sides. You had all given him a chance back then. Maybe you should give Namjoon a chance as well. He was very smart, so he must have had a good reason behind all of this.
You relaxed just a bit in your seat and nodded as a confirmation for him to speak.

"Do you remember the day we met Jimin again for the first time after his "death"?", he asked silently, probably weary because someone could have been listening.

"The mission with the casino robbery? Of course."

"Well then you must remember Jimin having over 30 men with him, robbing the place and even knowing that we were going to be there too", Namjoon explained.
"It has always been that same group we tried to catch multiple times before."

You listened, but couldn't really grasp what he was trying to tell you.

"Then, the warehouse with the bandits, where you got the note from Jimin", he continued.
"Didn't it all seem a bit set up to you? Just like the fire in the old dorm?"

"What are your trying to say?", you asked after noticing that he was getting more quiet as he spoke.

"After all those incidents, I became sure that Jimin wasn't working alone. He must have had help from someone powerful with lots of money and knowledge. Someone trying to get rid of us", Namjoon explained.
"I already had a hint on who it was, so I spent some time researching and found what I was looking for."

Who you used to be - [p.jm]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora