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y/n pov:  

I woke up to no Colby.  I sat up looked for my phone, it was no where to be found.  I got up and searched the bathroom where I had thrown it.  Still nowhere to be found.  I walked down stairs looking for the others.

"Hey, Colby do you have my -"  I asked walking into the living room but stopped when I saw all the roommates sitting on the couch and Colby looking at me holding my phone.  

"Y/n we need to talk"  Sam said patting the seat next to him.

"No we don't, just please give me my phone back"  I said reaching out for my phone.  Colby pulled it away.

"Not until you tell us what is going on."  Colby said 

"It is better if you guys don't know"  there was a long pause 

"Guys can me and Sam talk to her alone please."  Colby asked everyone nodded and left.

"Y/n me and Sam read the text Brandon is sending you"  Colby said putting the phone in his pocket.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"I don't know"  I said looking at the ground.  Colby stood up and grabbed my arm softly.  Since my cuts were still raw it hurt like hell so I pulled away.  He looked at me then at my arm, and then at me again.  

"Sam we need to talk alone."  Colby said talking about me and him.  Sam nodded and left.  Colby got out his phone and a few minutes passed and everyone left the house so the same silence filled the air.  

"Okay let me see."  Colby said holding my hand pulling it towards him.  


"Why not?"  

"Cause Colby."  

"That is not a reason."

"Just leave it alone,  I'm fine! everything is FINE!"  I shouted walking away.  I felt tears trikle down my face.  I quickly whipped them away.

"y/n?"  I heard Colby say hurt.  I turned around and looked at him, he had rivers flowing from his eyes.

"Colby, I am so so so sorry, I didn't mean to-with everything that has been going on. I just can't take it.  Colby please don't cry, i'm sorry.  Colby?"  I said walking towards him.  He hugged me and I hugged back never wanting to let go.  

"I am not upset because you yelled, I am upset that you feel like you can't trust me. That you feel so alone and afraid, and your scared that if you say anything about it, me or the others will get hurt.  So you take all the pain for everyone so no one will feel it, but no one knows your in pain because you don't show it."  I looked up at him and nodded knowing what he was saying was in fact true.  

"Here"  I said holding out my arm.  He hesitantly pulled the sleeve up to reveal several good sized cuts on my arm.  

"I. TRUST. YOU"  I said lifting his chin up and kissing his slowly.  He pulled away and looked at my arm again.  He pulled up my other sleeve to reveal my other arm that didn't have any cuts on it.  I heard him sigh in realef. 

"Okay you see this"  He said putting his hand over the arm that didn't have cuts.

"I want it to stay like this, Okay."  I nodded and looked down 

"Hey, we are going to get through this, together."  He lifted my chin up and we shared another long romantic kiss.  The kiss got a little heated and I was soon being pushed against the wall by a shirtless Colby.  

"Lets go upstairs"  I whispered in his ear.  He picked me up and walked upstairs.  Once me got in his room he locked the door and placed me on the bed taking off my shirt.  He kissed my neck and I took of his shorts.  He grinned and then found my sweet spot.  I moaned and took off my pants leaving me and him only in our underwear.  I unclasped my bra and Colby took no time to leave hickies on them.  He came back up to my face and kissed my slowly,  he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance.  I gave him what he wanted and his tongue searched my mouth.  By now Colby was laying on top of me and he slowly started to move my hands above my head. 

"Keep your hands here."  Colby whispered, I bit my lip and nodded slowly.  He smirked and kissed all the way down my body get closer to my heat each time.  Once he got to my underwear he took them off slowly with his teeth which made me moan.  

"your so wet y/n"  Colby said in his sexy ass voice.  He started to kiss my thighs and everywhere around my heat.  

"Colby, stop teasing"  I said impatient.  He giggled and started to eat me out.  

"Mhh, COlby"  I said.  he pulled away and I whined a little missing the feeling, but he then slipped inside me making me moan louder.  He started pumping slow and soft.

"Colby g-go f-faster!"  I moaned 

"That is not my name"  He whispered going slower. 

"uhh Colby"  I said a little annoyed 


"Fine, Daddy!  Please go faster!"  I shouted 

"There you go"  He said pumping faster and harder.  After a few thrusts he hit my g-spot which made me go crazy

"Right there princess?"  

"Y.E.S, Daddy!"  I said after a couple more thrusts I felt him twitch inside me. 

"I'm going to cum!"  He shouted

"Cum for me daddy"  I whispered in his ear and at those words I felt his liquids fill me up.  He pulled out and we had a long make out session before falling asleep snuggling close.

Not edited:)

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